Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Oh pictures of the two .
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Guppies

How many:1m 5 f

How long trying:2 weeks

Any successful spawns already:4 spawns of about 20-30 fry each

Set up:10 gallon, hob filter, ugf, and heaters
babies go into a 5 gallon bucket to start off

Any triggers/other information :breeding for feeders for my needlefish
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Convicts

How many:Currently two breeding pairs; formerly six pairs.

How long trying: Perpetual

Any successful spawns already: Roughly eight spawns

Set up: 20g holding tanks, 25g growout tank, four 10g breeding tanks.

Any triggers/other information : Water changes to drop temp (simulates wet season).

Species: Golden Manganese

How many: One current pair.

How long trying: Currently with fry.

Any successful spawns already: First spawn

Set up: 30g

Any triggers/other information : unknown

Species: Yellow Labs

How many: two pairs

How long trying: Nature is taking its course, not really trying.

Any successful spawns already: Two spawns

Set up: 30g, 26g, 10g birthing tank, 10g growout tank

Any triggers/other information :

Species: Cobalt blue Africans

How many: two former pairs

How long trying: Nature takes its course, not really trying.

Any successful spawns already: one spawn

Set up: 30g, 26g, 10g birthing tank, 10g growout tank

Any triggers/other information :

Species: Livebearers - Pineapple Swordtails, Mollies

How many: Six former pairs

How long trying: I haven't done anything with them lately. I have some fry that have grown up and are inbreeding. I haven't set up birthing tanks for them.

Any successful spawns already: lost count

Set up: 10g growout tank

Any triggers/other information :

Species: Midas

How many: One pair

How long trying: Nature is taking its course, not really trying.

Any successful spawns already: Nope, just a lot of holes in the gravel.

Set up: 250g

Any triggers/other information :

Species: Oscars

How many: One pair

How long trying: Nature is taking its course, not really trying.

Any successful spawns already: nope, they are just going through the motions.

Set up: 250g

Any triggers/other information :
List yopur current breeding projects,

Species: Convicts

How many: 2 Pair

How long trying: 3 Months

Any successful spawns already: Yes, 1 spawn each pair about 2 after I bought them fry are 2 - 3 inches, i've been giving the babys away left and right and feeding them to my jag. There at it again so Im gonna seperate them and out of these babies I'm keeping 2 males and 5 female till they pair. Im gonna keep this process going to see if i can get there colors to look like the wild caught convicts. Purify the blood lines

Set-Up: 55 gallon

Any triggers/ other information: pics in this thread
Species: melanochromis auratus (common fish, but one of my favs!)

How many: don't know yet

How long trying: only a couple months

Any successful spawns already: oh, it will be one!!

Set up: 55 gallon, with few other mbunas

Any triggers/other information : patience
Species:Parachromis managuensis

How many:1 pair

How long trying:3 weeks

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up:210 gallon tank partially planted other fish in tank/more natural

Any triggers/other information : nope, would like some though:naughty:
I am working on my fishroom so....still cycling/sealing/decorating/equiping/stocking ect......
all 9 of my tanks.(about 400 gal total )

Species:Convicts (mostly live food for Red Devils and like kinds)

How many:2 pairs

How long trying:1yr

Any successful spawns already:many....

Set up:many tanks

Any triggers/other information: massive waterchange when
female has nice round belly and show signs i.e. digging holes/cleaning "egg site".

l believe cons will breed anywhere anytime !
mine alternate giving me fry continuously !

working on Red devils and Midas pairs

Species:Red Devil

How many:2 Reds 1 Midas(young)

How long trying:I have had original Red for long time, use to have mate before I owned. This fish died and now the one left will not tolorate any Reds or Midas I put in with her.

Any successful spawns already: 0

Set up:many tanks

Any triggers/other information :
1. Midas
fish2 020.jpg
2. My new Red Devil
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3.Red Devil
fish2 030.jpg original Red Devil
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5.Red Devil
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6.fishroom -Red Devil tanks center,con fry small tank left side
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7.con tank
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8.55 gal tall-knife fish tank, 2 tanks to left are cons
fish2 014.jpg
I also have a 150 gallon, I can't keep my kids out of :ROFL:

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family pictures 013.jpg
Species: Black Cons ( :D First egg-layer breeding experience! )
How Many: 5. 2 males 3 females.
How Long Trying: 3 weeks
Sucessful Spawn: Almost. Eggs that got eaten.
Set Up: 55 Gallon

If I get the hang of it, I plan to do the first "serious" breeding program for Cons in my area (if there is any such projects anywhere, PLEASE point me to them, I'd be very interested).

Species: Fancy Guppies (Pastel AOC Whites)
How Many: 2 Trios (4 Female, 2 Males)
How Long: 4 Months
Sucessful Spawn Yet: Yes, many many.
Set Up: 5gallon x4

And once I get everything established, I really want to try breeding JDs and Firemouths.