Species: 2 guppies, 9 glofish, 2-4 mollies (not sure how many are really going to breed)
How many: see above (out of the glofish 5F 4M though I feel I really need to fix that ratio)
How long trying: I've slowly gotten most of these fish over the past 5 weeks or less. Not with the intention to breed either
Any successful spawns already: 1 Molly gave birth in tank and I rescued 7 fry over the course of 5 days. It was weird, she didn't really go into labor that we noticed and all of a sudden there were babies.
Also 2 successful glofish spawns.
Set up: 1 50g with a breeder net that contains the Molly fry and a 10g spawning tank for the glofish (I'm very new to the hobby and need to get a few small tanks for spawning and fry keeping if anyone has anything 10g or less to ship or pick up around northern Indiana)
other information : I've included most extra information above but I would like to reiterate that I'm a new aquarist and had really no idea that my fish would spawn this easily, even while going through a tank cycle (I know, I know. I was new and had no idea, I won't make that mistake again).
Anyone with any tips or suggestions or that just wants to talk about the hobby I'm always happy for any of that so send a PM my way =)