Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Ancistrus sp. Albino Bristlenose Pleco

How many: 2

How long trying: had them for 3 months

Any successful spawns already: 1st spawn happened approx. a week ago 1/16/2012

Set up: 36g community tank

I look in the male's pleco cave every week. I always see nothing. I noticed he was in the cave more and not getting out often. I did not even know anything was goin on till i saw a fry sucking on the glass at the top! I have counted 30 fry and half inch long with no egg sac left. I know there were more, but had become food for the other inhabitants. I have moved all community fish to another tank leaving corys and the parents. I have been feeding algae wafers and brine shrimp.
Species: Poecilia reticulata (Family Guppy)

How many: 1 male : 3 female

How long trying: 2 weeks

Any successful spawns already: NONE

Set up: 10 gal

Any triggers/other information :
Species:Aulonocara baenschi/ yellow peacock

How many: 1 male : 1 female

How long trying: 3 months

Any successful spawns already: YES

Set up: 65 gal

Any triggers/other information : freezed dried shrimps, bloodwroms, keeping temp controoled to 26C , weekly 50% WC, open spaces with flat rocks, bought pair as a juvenile, feeding NLS helps in growth.
Species:Thorichthys meeki(Firemouth cichlid)

How many:2

How long trying:3 weeks

Any successful spawns already:one , they spawned for the first time last night

Set up:29 high , black sand and flat slate stones in the sand aquaclear 30 filter with a sponge pre-filter

Any triggers/other information :frequent water changes of cooler temp
this is the only thing im actually concentrating on. everything else that breeds is on their own no intervention..

SPECIES: koi angels
SUCCESSFULL SPAWNS: yes one last monday with 1 week old fry. and eggs laid today again (still waiting for wigglers).
Couple paired off 3 weeks or so ago. i bought them already large at 3 long and they kept killing any other angel i tried to add so i put them in a established 10g with large piece of slate at an angel against a rock. 20g filter with covered intake. 82 degrees. 3 water changes 50% a week with cooler tap water and fed heavy meaty and high protein foods. spawn last monday eggs hatched wed and parents were removed into another 10g with no substrate 30 g filter covered in take upside down teraa cotta pot and angeled slate again. temps at 82 and did similar procedure with water changes and food conditioning. eggs laid today waiting for wigglers. :)
One of my favorites:
I currently have one F-1 male and 7 F-2 females.
My male is around 3.5 inches, the females are around 3 inches.
My water stays around 74 degrees.
I have had them in seperate tanks for grow out, judo placed them together in a species only 40 gallon breeder.
Substrate is cichlid sand with 3 large rock caves and drift wood.
I have one female holding and of has only been 3 days.
Species: Aulonocara Baenschi (Benga Peacock)

Quantity: 1 (F-1) male, 7 (F-2) females

Trying: Been growing out the females for 4 months, got the male on Feb. 2, 2012.
Placed them together on Mar. 7, 2012. I Jane one female holding as of Mar. 10, 2012.