Apologies if I'm not supposed to write more than one at once
Species: Trachelyichthys Exilis
How many: 4 wild caught (1 female, 3 male)
How long trying: 3-4 months
Any successful spawns already: Yes, eggs have been found on two separate occasions and hatched both times but fry never live past two weeks.
Set up: 180 litre community, then 100 litre community tank the second time. Now in designated 17x12x12 40 litre breeding tank.
Any triggers/other information : First time, I did a very large water change, pulled out all my dying plants and added more wood/hardscape elements. Second time was again, water change with RO water after they had been in very hard tap water a while.
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CURRENT breeding projects...
Species: Super-red bristlenose ancistrus
How many: Sexed pair
How long trying: 6 months, have been growing them on until now
Any successful spawns already: Yes, dad is fanning recently hatched eggs in his cave.
Set up: 40 litre breeding tank with slate caves and wood
Any triggers/other information : Frequent water changes and tetra blackwater extract finally set them off
I have also bred peppered cory, pygmy cory and cherry shrimp

not really on purpose!
Upcoming breeding project is 6 centromochlus schultzi currently 2" or so.