Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
currently have 2 and one in the making

let's start with the new one
-30 ga convict cichlid (just one pair)
-no successful spawns seeing as though I haven't gotten the cichlids yet haha any tips on that would be great

Dalmation lyretail mollies
-20 ga breeder
-2 successful live batches that grew out to be feeders
-brine shrimp helps induce labor I've found
- been doing it for a couple months now

would love to try breeding leopard ctenopomas, the whole "bubble nest" thing would be interesting to watch!!

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Species:Central American Convict Cichlid female Male Red ceibal (South American)

How many:1 successful spawn on second attempt

How long trying:first try- never tried

Any successful spawns already: yes about 20 young

Set up:55 gallon Red Ceibal male Female Convict, 4 Blue Rainbows 2 Giant danios

Any triggers/other information : Pokes a hole through the theory South and Central Americans Can't breed. Going to raise them and see if they are able to produce young.
Apologies if I'm not supposed to write more than one at once :)

Species: Trachelyichthys Exilis

How many: 4 wild caught (1 female, 3 male)

How long trying: 3-4 months

Any successful spawns already: Yes, eggs have been found on two separate occasions and hatched both times but fry never live past two weeks.

Set up: 180 litre community, then 100 litre community tank the second time. Now in designated 17x12x12 40 litre breeding tank.

Any triggers/other information : First time, I did a very large water change, pulled out all my dying plants and added more wood/hardscape elements. Second time was again, water change with RO water after they had been in very hard tap water a while.

List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Super-red bristlenose ancistrus

How many: Sexed pair

How long trying: 6 months, have been growing them on until now

Any successful spawns already: Yes, dad is fanning recently hatched eggs in his cave.

Set up: 40 litre breeding tank with slate caves and wood

Any triggers/other information : Frequent water changes and tetra blackwater extract finally set them off

I have also bred peppered cory, pygmy cory and cherry shrimp ;) not really on purpose!

Upcoming breeding project is 6 centromochlus schultzi currently 2" or so.
I've always heard that frontosa breed well right after a storm...we've had two major storms here and I have 1-2 that are pregnant. Perhaps it's true!
I'm working with a young trio of orange flash apistos

20g long moderately planted, two small sponge filters and small hob, flower pot caves

Tank mates: 4 cpd, 4 dwarf cories, and a clown pleco

One spawn that didn't work out and I'm trying to get another.

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Species: corydoras panda
( gold variation)

How many: 6

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up: 10 gallon with no tank mates and no substrate

Any triggers or other information: when I look these up I can't find them

How long: 3 weeks

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