Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Jun 17, 2007
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects... since im new not familiar with navigating yet i sent my project and blueprint somewheres else so ill speak on different project im fastly approaching & leave Flowertusk where it lay

Species: Pink Jack Dempsey
Pink Convict

How many: have ordered 11 PJDs and 11 PCs

How long trying: not started yet arrival delayed until PJDs back in stock insider info beginning of next month.

Any successful spawns already: with other projects yes, current (other project , so far)

Set up: have 75g community, 2×20g breeding purposes only + 40g grow out tank w/ JD×Convicts + GT×(HRP)Convicts.... population always fluctuating... some passed on, some graduate to join Commune and abominations are seperated

Any triggers/other information : with Central American cichlids its rather easy esp. Convicts ... u just add water, but when crossing i increase temp to max 84° F change diet to live & frozen bloodworms & tubiflex worms flowerpot green LED light manipulate brightness & dimness to hours n the day ex. 12 noon brightess
12 midnight the dimest. then observe if one of pair is being overly agressive split immediately andplace divider 4days & try again.
watcha got... i have hybrids who look like big colorful F Cons and large dark Ms the F GT mix look like HRPs long fins and sprinkles mid orange color markings on face & the Ms long pretty fins
We are currently breeding a Flowerhorn /convict with a Firemouth,there choice of course.We have had the pair for a couple of weeks.They are in a 30 gallon tank by themselves and have been very busy building nests everywhere.Now we are waiting for there eggs to hatch.We have heard from the previous owner that they spawned once already with a swarm of fry that disappeared quickly due to other predators in the tank.It will be very interesting to see this hybrid grown up.We will call them fire flowers.
way to go
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Royal Farlowella (Sturisomatichthys aurius)

How many: a pair

How long trying: unintended, they also decided the front glass is the perfect spot for eggs, interesting to watch and great for pictures, but they are not the feature inhabitants...

Any successful spawns already: 1 batch of 45 fry 2 weeks old in their own tank now so the xingu dont eat them, 1 batch of eggs one day old

Set up: 55 gal white sand bottom, java ferns, flat rocks, mopani

Any triggers/other information : seem to span any conditions and any temperature

your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: krobia red cheek/orange spot(Krobia xinguensis)
How many: 5 individuals, potentially 2 females 3 males, not paired as of yet

How long trying: in this tank and full group 1 month; 4 are approx 3 yrs old and have been together that long, 1 is approx 1 yr

Any successful spawns already: no; intentionally trying to breed these amazing and peaceful guys

Set up: 55 gal sand bottom java, flat rocks, wood, soon to add flowerpots

Any triggers/other information : temp 81, ph 6.8, soft water, 50% water change weekly; 2 fluval canisters, 1 large sponge filter, air stone
Very little information available on breeding these beautiful fish. They display mating behavior including dark masks, but dont definitively pair up; they are the main occupants of the tank with a pair of Royal Farlowellas.
Any information on these guys would be greatly appreciated.

Species: Symphysodon discus
How many: 6 - 2 adult, 4 juvenile
How long trying: accidental, not trying to breed them
Any successful spawns already: 1 batch of eggs 1 day old
Setup: 65 gal tall, lightly planted, 2 canisters; discus specific setup with 4 other smaller dither fish
Any triggers/other information; 83.5f, reg water changes
Species: amatitlania nanolutea

How many: pair

How long trying: 1 month

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up: 29 gallon bare bottom with a sponge filter and flower pot caves, can't decorate it how I want to because I can't wash sand (the waterline's off for the winter)

Any triggers/other information : will be raising pH and temp in hopes of triggering spawning behavior but the significantly larger male isn't being too nice to the female

Species: amatitlania sp. "honduran red point" (true rio danli)

How many: pair

How long trying: 1 week

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up: 29 gallon bare bottom with a sponge filter and flower pot caves, can't decorate it how I want to because I can't wash sand (the waterline's off for the winter)

Any triggers/other information : will be raising pH and temp in hopes of triggering spawning behavior

Species: xiphophorous helleri "rainbow" (they look like the rio otapa var just smaller and less blotching)

How many: two pairs

How long trying: 1 month

Any successful spawns already: not that I know of

Set up: 29 gallon bare bottom with a sponge filter and flower pot caves, can't decorate it how I want to because I can't wash sand (the waterline's off for the winter)

Any triggers/other information : Once I get a substrate in the tank I'll get a thick layer of leaf litter in there for fry to hopefully hide in
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Species: Wild Angelfish (Altums, Leopoldii, Santa Isabel), Bulgarian Sealpoint Angelfish, Dantum Angelfish

How many: A few altums for growout, Pair of Leopoldii, 4 St. Isabel, Pair of Dantum, Pair of BSP

How long trying: varies

Any successful spawns already: previous spawn of BSP angels

Set up: bare bottom tanks

Any triggers/other information : daily water change, lowering ph down to 5-5.5, high protein diet.
Sewellia Breviventralis, Sewellia Lineolata, Rhinogobius Rubromaculatus (not bred yet but seem to be warming up), 2 guppy strains, and other projects.
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