Post your breeding projects

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Got a few projects on the go will only mention 1 or 2

Species: Aulonocara ethelwynnae peacock

How many: 10 (F1)

How long trying: 2 weeks (just received them currently growing out)

Any successful spawns already: still young juveniles still establishing heirarchy - dominant male has officially seized top status and has popped colors. Believe I have 3 more males in the batch so will wait for the next male in charge to pop before removing the other 2 males to my 65 grow out where I have 2 s sulfur head males growing out.

Set up: 40 breeder / fluval 306 cannister / 20lbs african cichlid mix sand substrate 1 lb of crushed coral / ph 7.8 / aquaeclear hob / fluval 100w heater / temp 78 / maxijet powerhead with filter floss changed end of every 2nd day.

Any triggers/other information : doing multiple small feedings daily / 10% water change Tuesday and Thursday 50% on Sunday also feeding repashy spawn and grow mixed with Soilent Green for them to graze on added 2 days after they finish the batch I last placed in the tank. Just trying to provide as natural a feeding routine as they would have which is small increments through out the day in the wild in a grazing fashion as best I can as well as maintaining a high quality body of water for them with lots of oxygen.

Any one familiar with these please msg me as any experience notes advice suggestions welcome. My first time keeping these guys.

I don´t really intended to breed, but my Jack Dempseys decided to go for it again.
Feeding once a day, the fry keeps growing and is barely decreasing in numbers... I hope some fish stores are looking for beautiful JDs...
I opened a thread already, showing the development of the fry:
"Finally, JDs laid eggs again. "
If you want to see pictures, there you go :-)
[QUOTE="davo, post: 925989,
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Red Hump Geophagus Steindachneri

How many: 2

How long trying: Just got this pair about a week ago, should be about a month to proper age, male is ready female nearly there

Any successful spawns already: none

Set up: Just the pair in 50 gallon

Any triggers/other information : fell in love with the pair at the lfs, they are very gentle with each other and seem to be loving life

watcha got...we will keep you posted![/QUOTE]
872011E4-E788-453B-ACF7-1093435AB2A8.jpeg Female holding eggsB1E44B40-5FE2-4CA7-BAA3-A67E3FA595C1.png Dominant male 709100F4-90FC-419C-A671-8F070B56065C.jpeg colony43C2BBAB-713E-43CC-B4FE-5C8CF815C960.jpeg
My Aulonocara Ethelwynnae project baring fruit as juveniles are now settled in and sexually mature. First pairing and breeding has been done. Here are photos of the pair from my colony.
Species: Honduran Red Points

How many: 1m/1f

How long trying: 2months

Any successful spawns already: no, 4 batches of eggs, one made it to wigglers . This 5th batch are wigglers stage

Set up: 55gal sorta planted, many others in tank as well 16 Neon Tetras, 2 Platties, 3 Roseline sharks, 4 Kuli loaches, BN pleco, male Betta

3 AC50's for filtration Ehiem air pump/heater

Any triggers/other information :

watcha got... so far wigglers

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A couple batches of eggs
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Mom guarding the current wiggelers
The pair when I first got them.
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Ethelwynnae Peacock cichlids

3 batches all hatched within days of each other were tumbled and now floating together peacefully. Will b preparing a 10 gal grow out I have settup until they re big enuff to move to my 65 gal and then to the store to sell. Over 50 of them survived which is great seeing as how the parents are all still juveniles and this was there first attempted spawning. My 2 dominant males jostle for dominance but it’s been a great amount of displaying from them both dubbed Tres and Mob due to the amount of egg spots on anal fin. Tres has 3 and mob has about 9.
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