Post your breeding projects

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I am at a point with my stocking that the other fish eat off the fry. What in turns keeps the HRP's busy breeding so they don't bother any of the other fish. I did end up with five babies making it so far. They are nearing and inch long.20181031_213126.jpg 20181031_213210.jpg
The parents herding a batch of fry around. 20181031_213511.jpg
Species: Amphilophus Sagittae "Black Devil"

How many: two pairs

How long trying: I just got the fish one and half months ago, wasn't expecting it to start so fast.

Any successful spawns already: One pair just laid eggs.

Set up: the pair with eggs are in a 6ft 125gal. Non bonded pair has been moved to a 46bowfront.

Any triggers/other information : the pair with eggs are the biggest male and female of a batch of 5 fry I got from Jeff Rapps. I have had them now one and a half months. The male is 4in or so using my mark 1 eyeball, the female around 3in.

watcha got... So far just eggs will update if they get further along. First go for this pair so not holding my breath on getting fry.20181031_155243.jpg 20181031_155454.jpg 20181031_155445.jpg 20181031_155431.jpg
As you can see dad is all white, mom is a creamsickle.

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I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: freshwater angelfish

How many: one breading pair

How long trying: they have been trying for 6 months

Any successful spawns already: one successful batch made it to the fry stage and were free swimming but did not live long.

Set up: 125gal planted community tank

Any triggers/other information : tend to spawn just after water changes.

watcha got...
. I really was not trying to have a bunch of fry from them that is why I did not move them to their own tank. But once I saw how protective they were trying to be of the fry and what good parents they were trying to be it has convinced me that this pair need to have their family. I am getting them their own 55gal setup ready now.
Update on my Saggitae breeding:

Well first batch of eggs went bad. Casper then killed the creamsickle female. So I put my last female in with him. She is mostly all orange, tho looks kinda goldfish so I named her Goldie Hawn. Well these two took to each other right away. They are real good parents so far. They gave laid eggs, and they have hatched. I have a fry cloud now of about two hundred babies now.

Casper and Goldie are now paired up are working on spawn number four.
Twelve fry from the first batch made it to a new home. The first batch ate the second batch as they hatched. Goldie ate the third batch. We are now on attempt four.
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Species: Flowerhorn x Blood Parrot

How many: 01 pair

How long trying: I just got the male flowerhorn last month

Any successful spawns already: yes

Set up: the pair spawned in a 3 ft tank and i moved the parents already to anothet 3ft

Any triggers/other information : the male is a super red dragon flowerhorn and the female a blood parrot
Species: Angelfish

How many: one mated pair

How long trying: about 3 months

Any successful spawns already: several before I placed them in their own tank but all ended up dying in the community tank. Since being in their own tank the past 3 months they have finally had their first spawn in this tank and I have a tune of wiggly eggs

Set up: I found a used 55gal tank and stand for $40 that I had to reseal and paint with some paint I had around the house. I decided to do a planted tank since that is what these angels were use to and had been using the Amozon sword leaves to lay their eggs. I used a cheap hang on the back filter and added some additional biological material from an astablished tank and some additional foam filtration at the bottom because the tank was quite cloudy when I first set it up. I used some ADA aqua soil under the gravel. The aqua soil is meant to be used alone but I didn’t have enough to use just it on the tank so I tried a mix. I guess that Is why I had such a mess for quite a while. It finally settled down and cleared up. I used shoots off of my Amozon Sword from other tanks and also added an Anubias.

Any triggers/other information : temp keept at 80

watcha got... a bunch of fry on two Anubis leaves.

#1Jun 17, 2007

species: red tail platinum dumbo guppies + blue eye lemon ancistrus

how many: trio of the guppies, group of 4 plecos, may cut that down once they grow enough to sex them

how long trying: just got the tank last weekend, guppies are already gravid but plecos are still growing out

any successful spawns already: nope just recently got the tank but again guppies are gravid

set up: 29 long, 36x12x16 with a sponge filter and heater at 80F, 2 pleco caves and a piece of driftwood, plus some salvinia growing on the surface

any triggers/other information: my starlight bristlenose is growing out in the same tank but he has nothing to do with the breeding project other than he protects his little ledge furiously

here's the female guppies

male with one of the females

one of the blue eyed lemons
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