species: red tail platinum dumbo guppies + blue eye lemon ancistrus
how many: trio of the guppies, group of 4 plecos, may cut that down once they grow enough to sex them
how long trying: just got the tank last weekend, guppies are already gravid but plecos are still growing out
any successful spawns already: nope just recently got the tank but again guppies are gravid
set up: 29 long, 36x12x16 with a sponge filter and heater at 80F, 2 pleco caves and a piece of driftwood, plus some salvinia growing on the surface
any triggers/other information: my starlight bristlenose is growing out in the same tank but he has nothing to do with the breeding project other than he protects his little ledge furiously
here's the female guppies
male with one of the females
one of the blue eyed lemons