• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
UNKNOWN;4086885; said:
few more quick but low quality phone shots to keep this going.
Low quality shots they may be but its "still" easy to see the subject is "top"quality.....really like your ray!
aquaman45;4087028; said:
Low quality shots they may be but its "still" easy to see the subject is "top"quality.....really like your ray!

Thank you very much..... hoping to have a top notch female to pair with him soon :naughty::D
keepinfish;4084805; said:
man she looks HOT!

Thanks! I'm digging her squiggleys:D

Mobatic;4084946; said:
Any pic of her when she was younger?

No pup photos of this girl but some older shots on some of my threads and she's the third post in this thread. Her markings drastically change depending on the substrate. She looks her grandest with half sand/half black bottom like the cell phone pic of her.

aquaman45;4087023; said:
She looks storming Kolossus,very pale base colour......what a great thread this is!

Thanks. She is indeed quite pale. She's my favorite with regards to looks...That is until I can snag one with the broad markings like yours;):D
Nice looking rays (all) Pretty much made my mind up to get one (or a pair)

In an early thread someone was talking about PH affecting the quality and talked of a friend in RO straight and I could not find much comment on this but to me I wouldnt want to keep anything in RO straight and you cannot say that RO straight is PH6 as it may be out of the RO unit but RO has no buffering at all and therefore the PH would be at the mercy of any outside influence (like a living Ray) therefore surely the PH would be all over the place and very likely to crash to dangerous levels????
Straight RO/DI. As in NOT cut with tap water. DI resin is supposed to buffer I thought.

There's 2 ways to look at ray care......

1) By the "book"

2) By what works.

KISS isn't by the book.

It's easy to argue what's right and what's wrong, but when you see proof with your own eyes it becomes much easier to understand.

If you have any questions about keeping rays in RO hit up MNstingray. He can enlighten you, as he has been doing it for a long time. I've seen his rays. They are definetly cared for properly.
DB junkie;4091258; said:
Straight RO/DI. As in NOT cut with tap water. DI resin is supposed to buffer I thought.

There's 2 ways to look at ray care......

1) By the "book"

2) By what works.

KISS isn't by the book.

It's easy to argue what's right and what's wrong, but when you see proof with your own eyes it becomes much easier to understand.

If you have any questions about keeping rays in RO hit up MNstingray. He can enlighten you, as he has been doing it for a long time. I've seen his rays. They are definetly cared for properly.

I agree that cut with something else would be perfectly fine but that is not what "straight" RO suggests (if he meant cut with other then should have been clear on such an important point, surely?)

I actualy believe in KISS and would not alter the PH no matter what as adjusting the PH is too problematic at water change time. I was just curious that such an big isssue was not picked up and discussed as it made me wonder if I was missing something.

My new set up will have auto timed bi daily small water changes as I am plumbed to waste and fresh water and then larger changes at the weekend. My sump will auto top up with treated water and I am lucky that my tap water is below 5 ppm Nitrate when measured on the most expensive Nitrate test kits my lfs supplies /recommended. Basic tablet kits read 0

I will also run a nitra ghost and ion exchange resin in the sump as I strongly believe that Nitrate is a bigger issue and killer than the hobby lets on and I want 20 ppm or less as my target.

Thanks for the reply and sorry to take the thread off topic.:screwy: