Max size about 6 inches
cold water
eats anything alive in the tank, or not alive
he lives in a 25 gallon
they are aggressive in the sens that they will eat anything that is about half there size...they are huge mouths on a body^_^
very very personable comes to the front of the tank and begs and dances for food
she eats : blood worms, krill, night crawlers, any fish we have in the fridge and is given a constant supply of 1/4 1/2 inch guppies...ghost shrimp and scuds
a few baby sculpin live in the tank as well...but most of them have been eaten ^_^
yeah they can be fast little things, i go at them like im catching crays...see to work well... try lakes instead of streams..they seem to be slower, i can go out and get buckets full at a lake near me.