• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Prickly sculpin!

very nice fish
thank you very much

thats a rad fish and i love the aquascaping
and thank you iv up rotted and moved around every thing in the tank a few times to get it where i want it ^_^ im content with it as it lays for now.
Kaosu;4494290; said:
^_^ thank you love my sculpin tank

iinfo on them

Max size about 6 inches
cold water
eats anything alive in the tank, or not alive
he lives in a 25 gallon
they are aggressive in the sens that they will eat anything that is about half there size...they are huge mouths on a body^_^

very very personable comes to the front of the tank and begs and dances for food

she eats : blood worms, krill, night crawlers, any fish we have in the fridge and is given a constant supply of 1/4 1/2 inch guppies...ghost shrimp and scuds
a few baby sculpin live in the tank as well...but most of them have been eaten ^_^

Thanks. When I do a native tank I'll be sure to add one of these guys. What sort of other fish are they compatible with? Can I add blue gills and sunfish?
Thanks. When I do a native tank I'll be sure to add one of these guys. What sort of other fish are they compatible with? Can I add blue gills and sunfish?
that one im not sure at....iv only ever sculpin..this is my first native and have yet to start mixing...had a LMB in the tank for a few days but..as was planned it turned to be lunch, iv herd sunfish can be aggressive,...and well sculpin are food for lots of things that are bigger than them. They do hide well so you might be able to throw some in with bigger fish if you have enough cover

when you go collecting i suggest a lake not a creek... the few i have caught from the colder faster creek seem to adapt slower and have troubles surviving in the tank, as well as older adults, try mid to late spring at a lake with a rocky shore, and look for babies under and around an inch....the water in the lakes when they are young is really warm up around the edges where they live..i think this is why they adapt better to tanks than the older ones in deeper water and creeks.
just what iv seen so far ^_^
Once again Kaosu I definately think you have the finest Sculpin and Sculpin tank setup Ive ever seen!
some updated pics..a few shots of one of the babies in the tank...her being stealthy hunting guppies and one of the new black background (kinda grainy) what you think with the background compared to with out?
Wow very interesting...can she change colors depending on the colors of her rocks? If you put Black rocks in one area and red rocks in another would she change colors going across the tank?
She dose not seem to change based on rocks, though during feeding time or hunting she gets war paint and goes all dramatic darks and lights, though in the smaller tank with darker substrate she stayed darker most of the time, untill i switched it to what it is now ..rocks from the lake i cough her from ^_^. (so maybe a little)

she seems to change more on her mood and only to varying shades of what she is, from nearly all black on her main body to a so pail you can barely see her markings ^_^ kinda neat.