Questionable Piranha Tank-mates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Okay now I have changed 1/4 of my 55 gallons water tank and I have also poured in 3-4 full-caps of anti-chlorine. Also I followed Bomber instruction by adding 10 teaspoon of aquarium salt (not marine salt) and I have installed the automatic water heater and thermometer in my tank, I haven't set the temperature to 27 degrees Celcius cause the fish are still in distress caused by the water replacement. So after they are all accustomed to the new water condition, I'm going to set the temperature but I should not do this instantly right? So how's to "gradually" raise the temperature? Also, I've bought the BLITZ-ICHT with the ingredient compose of METHYLENE BLUE and MALACHITE GREEN. So I just did partial water change and I'm wondering when will be the right time to put the medication? The botol states 1 drop per 4 liter of water.
the thing that i learned in my experience of handling piranhas is that they should be kept separated from other fishes, i divided my 180 g aquarium in three the first division houses my 8 rbp,the second houses my oscars pacus and pleco,while the third houses my,flowerhorns, local kois are great food for my rbg !
red bellied devil!;4164629; said:
the thing that i learned in my experience of handling piranhas is that they should be kept separated from other fishes, i divided my 180 g aquarium in three the first division houses my 8 rbp,the second houses my oscars pacus and pleco,while the third houses my,flowerhorns, local kois are great food for my rbg !

Kois are a horrible food source though
red bellied devil!;4164629; said:
the thing that i learned in my experience of handling piranhas is that they should be kept separated from other fishes, i divided my 180 g aquarium in three the first division houses my 8 rbp,the second houses my oscars pacus and pleco,while the third houses my,flowerhorns, local kois are great food for my rbg !

I have to disagree with that statement, I have kept Red-Bellied Piranhas for 2 years and I have always been successful mixing them with Red-Bellied Pacus and Plecos. Only this time I try to mix them with Siver Dollars and it works! But you need really big tank like those in Sea World to keep them away from distress. The reason I recently moved all the Pacus and Dollars away from the main tank with Piranhas is only because those 2 species have been attacked by Ich (White Spot Disease) and I moved them to my hospital tank now.
I added 3 yo yo loaches yesterday and just hit the 24 hour mark so I'm starting to have some high hopes on snail removal from them. There only an inch long though and have massivly fat bellys from eating everything. :)

The chichlids are attacking everything now since they have a batch of wrigglers. Hopefully will get some chichlid vs piranha vid later.
I currently have 4 RBP ranging 4"-7" in a 125g. So far the only thing to last was a very territorial Jewel Chichlid. He lasted about two months until he was moved to another tank.

I also had a foot long pleco in there. He lasted about two days then, I noticed a chunk out of his tail. The boyfriend and I were on our way out, so we decided to net him out when we got back. All that was left was an inch of his -still blinking- head.

We've had (healthy) feeder guppies which lasted quite awhile but slowly began disappearing over time.

Crayfish can last awhile depending on how smart the individual is. One lasted a whole 2 minutes with my rhom lol.

The boyfriend had a gutsy blue gill in with them but he only lasted a few weeks.

We also have an overstocked community tank that we're going to take the Buenos Ares tetras and Albino Congos and put them in with the piranhas. If they die, oh well.

The boyfriend and I are going to tear down and redo the 125. I'd like to put in a lot of cover and try some cory cats and maybe even a kuhli lol. Maybe that way they'll last against the RBs.
no, the raphaels body is tougher. I had one living with 9 rbps for over half a year before i sold my Ps. I tried many other tankmates including plecos and small tetras, among many other types but the raphael was the only survivor. I never lost a piranha and now im stuck with a 90 gallon tank, fluval fx5 and aquaclear 110 pump. Im considering making a saltwater tank...
Meshale;4199639;4199639 said:
I currently have 4 RBP ranging 4"-7" in a 125g. So far the only thing to last was a very territorial Jewel Chichlid. He lasted about two months until he was moved to another tank.

I also had a foot long pleco in there. He lasted about two days then, I noticed a chunk out of his tail. The boyfriend and I were on our way out, so we decided to net him out when we got back. All that was left was an inch of his -still blinking- head.

We've had (healthy) feeder guppies which lasted quite awhile but slowly began disappearing over time.

Crayfish can last awhile depending on how smart the individual is. One lasted a whole 2 minutes with my rhom lol.

The boyfriend had a gutsy blue gill in with them but he only lasted a few weeks.

We also have an overstocked community tank that we're going to take the Buenos Ares tetras and Albino Congos and put them in with the piranhas. If they die, oh well.

The boyfriend and I are going to tear down and redo the 125. I'd like to put in a lot of cover and try some cory cats and maybe even a kuhli lol. Maybe that way they'll last against the RBs.
Hi there, just searching for guidance... I have an 8'' rbp and 5 4'' rbp's, they are divided right now in an 185 gallon tank. Should I integrate them before they get too settled into their environment? Or wait to grow out the 4''? There hasn't been any incidence of attacking the divider, Harry the 8''rbp seems very playful around them dashing around and following them, lol. (or just wanting to eat them...) He was alone for about 9 months soooo....any advice would be appreciated.
mhansen76;4239973; said:
Hi there, just searching for guidance... I have an 8'' rbp and 5 4'' rbp's, they are divided right now in an 185 gallon tank. Should I integrate them before they get too settled into their environment? Or wait to grow out the 4''? There hasn't been any incidence of attacking the divider, Harry the 8''rbp seems very playful around them dashing around and following them, lol. (or just wanting to eat them...) He was alone for about 9 months soooo....any advice would be appreciated.

I liked the advice another post had, when you get ready to combine them take everybody out and put them in 5 gal buckets for an hour or three. Rearrange everything in the tank so Harry doesn't associate the tank as all his and put everyone back in. I wouldn't trust him though if hes showing intrest in whats happening with the little ones. I got 3 8 inch and 2 6 inch but the biggest by a hair if you look just right owns half the tank most of the time.
Thanks Foster! It is just fascinating watching their behavior and wasn't sure what to look for. It seems as if the little guys are vying for positions and setting up their hierarchy? (nipping circling each other....) I am feeding them 2x a day.