Questionable Piranha Tank-mates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Well, I wouldn't attempt to keep anything with a shoal of Piranhas; besides some neon Tetra's. I have however had great success with Blue Gourami's, Oscars & Corys, the Gourami even bullies them on occasion.

In the past I've kept, Gar, Plecs, Silver Aro's & TFB's with RPB's, but not with any more then two RPB's.
a single rbp is not the same fish it would be in a larger shoal. the pack mentality and the timidness of the fish when they are alone..... you can keep lots of things with a single but with a shoal maybe convicts and neons. and you want the other fish in the tank for a bit before adding the rbps
an group of trahairas (hopliass malabaricus)?
My piranhas have eaten or killed everything IMMEDIATELY except for:


So far the only things that are STILL living:

1 Red claw crab

The crawdads lasted a while. Good cleaners. But I think they might have taken a snip at the piranhas and that was the end of them. The crab seems to survive well since he likes to climb the heater and get some air. They leave him alone so far.

They think the snails are just rocks, I'm pretty sure.
hi guys. can i keep a rhom and neon tetras? i heard rhom is very aggressive. my fish will arrive next week. thanks
wibisana27;3915627; said:
hi guys. can i keep a rhom and neon tetras? i heard rhom is very aggressive. my fish will arrive next week. thanks

Several members here keep tetras and danios with their large rhoms, not so much as tankmates as they do get picked off but it usually takes awhile as they won't try as hard for such lil food. I have to mention the guys i'm refering to have 125+ gallons plus tanks
I had four red bellies and the only other fish that did well was a common pleco. They were about 6inches before i sold them and they lived with the pleco for about a year. I tried a few different african cichlids thinking they would just hang out near the drift wood pile but they eventualy wondered and got eaten. One cichlid lasted about two weeks, and i gave my needle nose a chance that i had for about a year and he didnt last long either. Id imagine if the fish cant hide good it needs to be big enough to fight back
My Rhom is housed with: (going on 4 months)
6 - Chinese Algae Eaters
5 - Rummy Nose Tetras
2 - pair of Convicts w/5 juvies

A few years ago, the Rhom would not tolerate ANYTHING housed with it, including the smallest of Neon Tetras. The convicts turned things around.