House 64;4563750; said:
I guess I'm not on that short list since I did only drive nearly 3 hours round trip to drop off 4 super healthy Altums! Oh... but I guess that doesn't count since they're not in your tank but rather in your FREEZER.... AGAIN!
Oh my BAD!..
I especially want to thank HOUSE64 for agreeing to hold the ALTUMS for me until my tank was ready however, being he has A.D.D his mind changes on things faster than I can blink and decides to post it up for sale...
I want to thank HOUSE64 for delivering the Altums to me the day he said he needed them out and which I offered to pay for gas and give him a free 100 tank (of course crack in the back, but fixable). Tank I paid $50 for.
I also want to thank HOUSE64 for comprehending what part of my tank is not cycled yet did you not understand. But I guess you thought I was bluffing and you had to post them up for sale even after I said consider them sold. Which I said from the GET GO that they would die because my tank was not cycled.... BUT NO, miss prissy pants wanted them out ASAP... my own fault for even trying to cycle a tank with Altums.. =-(
So in the end, yes..thank you for providing a collection of 4 Altums that fed a colony of ants. They did not make the freezer collection. That's only reserved for Monster Fish....