Tri-color flames are done. Metallic turquoise, faded into metallic blue, faded into mirror chrome tips. Should be starting on the reaper on the sides tomorrow, then can move onto the torn metal. The blue on top and at the rear is masking, that will be torn metal pulling back to reveal a waving checkered flag.
Really starting to come to life now. Took a few hours but got one reaper done, still have to do the other side. Gotta quit for a few days though and get back to filling some rod orders. Guess play time is over for a bit
Lol more of your photos tricking me Steve; I kinda missed the RC part, went straight to the pix and thought that was a real SUV you're working on in your garage Was thinking wow, reapers and flames: man this guy has a whole 'nother side to him!
Truth be told I actually do have somewhat of the real car version of the Rc truck I'm building lol. I've always been a gearhead my whole life and had many hot rods and muscle cars. About 20 years ago I decided to build a tube chassis drag car out of a 69 GTO. I put a great deal of money and about 5 years worth of work into it and then took a break and after a few years somewhat lost interest in it. I guess not so much lost interest in the car, but lost the desire to keep piling cash into finishing it, as well as the fact that now at nearly 50 years old my desire to strap myself into a 1000+hp car and rocket down the 1/4 mile at 150mph has somewhat faded these days lol
This is what is in my garage. Well actually my Sisters house garage (I don't have a garage at my house). Haven't touched it for a number of years now, probably end up selling it this summer most likely.