Got all the Faskolor paints for it last weekend as well as some paint masks and also had a vinyl lettering place do up some custom made decals in a really cool font for the name on the truck. Years ago I had a 50's panel truck clodbuster with a grim reaper on the side and it was named "Sandman" (after Metallica's Enter Sandman song) so I was actually able to find the same reaper paint mask for this one I used back then which is cool. Also got the airbrush cleaned up and dusted off since I hadn't used it in years but it's ready to go now. Probably be a couple weeks though till I can work on it again, got slammed with rod orders over the past week so that's gonna keep me busy for a bit.
Fat Homer - I had forgot just how addicting RC can be. Get this....The past week I've already bought up about 75% of the parts to build up another set of Clodbuster axles lol
Once this truck is done I plan on building another. The next truck I'm going to make a custom carbon fiber frame and it's gonna be a hardcore lightweight basher that I can hurl 10ft high and not worry about it.
Metallica’s Black album is still one of my favourites till this day... pretty much every track was good on that album...
But yeah, RC is definitely addicting, especially when you come back to it after so many years... the advances in tech and what can be done is pretty crazy these days! Then when you add someone talented like yourself in fabricating, it just takes it to a whole new level...