RC clod buster project

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo








I was gonna take a break from it, but figured why not get it done so I could be done with the body and then get to real work for the rest of the week now. Real happy with how it turned out. Couple weeks from now I'll install the electronics and it'll be ready to go.
Thanks bud. I will say one things though... I NEED to get a quality airbrush again. Back years ago when I was airbrushing bodies for other guys I use to use a nice Iwata Revolution airbrush, but I sold that when I got out of RC 20 yrs ago. So I bought a $15 China Ebay airbrush to do this body. I honestly can't complain, it does a nice job for what it is, but it is NOT user friendly at all. It's SO much more work to get the same results as it use to be. So I'm for sure gonna get a good Iwata again soon.

Once I get the electronics in it and get it running I'll post up some pics and vid for sure.
Yeah I got to hand it to you S Steve_C this came out awesome!!! :cool-1:
That is a thing is beauty!!! Looks amazing and will look even better once its in the air under the sun ;)

Not sure if you already answered this before, cant remember tbh, but have you decided which electronics you are going with for this of yours???
I already have the electronics so soon as I get time I'll start putting them in. I have a tactics 3ch tx, a pair of Castle 5700kv brushless motors, and a pair of Mamba X ESC's. Only thing I still need to buy is the 3S lipo. Should fly with that gear most likely :)
I already have the electronics so soon as I get time I'll start putting them in. I have a tactics 3ch tx, a pair of Castle 5700kv brushless motors, and a pair of Mamba X ESC's. Only thing I still need to buy is the 3S lipo. Should fly with that gear most likely :)

Thats right, now i remember oops...

But on a serious note, with 3S this thing should take off!!! So please make sure you get a video of the maiden run, coz i want to hear your screams of excitement as it flys...


Steering servo on and added a scale brake rotor/caliper to give it a more realistic appearance. Changed out the shock springs which dropped the ride height down now to a better level but still have to play around with oil and might go with a tad stronger spring rate as well so I don't have to run the adjustment collars all the way down. Slowly but surely getting there.
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Steering servo on and added a scale brake rotor/caliper to give it a more realistic appearance. Changed out the shock springs which dropped the ride height down now to a better level but still have to play around with oil and might go with a tad stronger spring rate as well so I don't have to run the adjustment collars all the way down. Slowly but surely getting there.

Are all your wires color matched to the chassis as well??? Or is it just for the caliper?
Trying to match everything as much as I can, but not all of it is matched. The wires on the servo I just lucked out with the colors matching. I went with those servos because they were crazy high TQ with something like 270oz and a real good transit time (think they are about .15 if I remember correctly). The fact they have orange wires was just a bonus :)

BTW just snagged a brand new still in the bag Thundertech MIP CVD set today for the axles on the other truck I'm going to build. Was blown away that they were actually NOS and never even out of the bag after 20 years. Also ordered sheet of 3mm carbon fiber yesterday as well which I'll be building the chassis out of for that truck.