REACTORS- Filtration for stingrays

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thats not too bad. A $100 in media goes along way w/ this stuff it seems.
But what did the bio chips run you DB?
One of these might be a good summer project for me. Wish i still had that 40g hex i gave away :(

It's funny you say that about the hex. I had the excrutiating task of fixing up a 80 gallon hex for my mom for Mother's day. It was excrutiating cause the whole time all I could see is media boiling in it. Would have been a friggin sweet reactor.

A .9 ft3 bag of chips will set you back about $130. They really need to sell them in half bags. I think it's safe to say 4 cubes of K1 and a cube of chips is probably going to be overkill for 99% of us. I believe this equates to enough bio to support up to something like 10 lbs of food/day, or around 250 lbs of fish.......
With the stuff I ordered it was only saving 3.00 per cub3 and we would have had to order I think 35 units or more for a discount on quantity. Ill get mine I think Friday and ill post pics and such. I went in with 3 locals to split up the shipping.

Group buy for the chips?

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Bio Chips seem like a good point and concept, Im still not fully sold, as I think other media types like the one I purchased does have a protected center to be similar, but it seems very odd that so few people are using them in all the systems I have seen, not sure why that is but interesting to see, I found a local place that seems to list them on the web so I put in an email to ask them how much they want for some.
Here is a quick video I shot-shows the reactor and the rest of the filtration. I took the time to explain it a little better.

Here is a quick video I shot-shows the reactor and the rest of the filtration. I took the time to explain it a little better.


Nice in depth vid. I see you got a few more rays. Lol.

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The guy from AquaVision in Spain told me that chips only make themselves worthwhile in very big systems.

He told me there was no point in mixnig chips in my 30 litres of K1
Here is a quick video I shot-shows the reactor and the rest of the filtration. I took the time to explain it a little better

Absolutely awesome system, Energy.
Could you go into a little more detail in how the K1 media boils with such intensity? Is it airdriven, powerheads or airstones?

That could be why we never see them, maybe Ill write some people and ask around, sounds like a good idea. I really dont think it could hurt anything though as well. Ill write Kaldnes directly for some more info on the matter.

The guy from AquaVision in Spain told me that chips only make themselves worthwhile in very big systems.

He told me there was no point in mixnig chips in my 30 litres of K1