REACTORS- Filtration for stingrays

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
They only use chips, he wrote me, in big pond systems, as a small % of the media, and above 300 litres of K1....
Bio Chips seem like a good point and concept, Im still not fully sold, as I think other media types like the one I purchased does have a protected center to be similar, but it seems very odd that so few people are using them in all the systems I have seen, not sure why that is but interesting to see, I found a local place that seems to list them on the web so I put in an email to ask them how much they want for some.

The kind of media you bought is just like K1/K3, there's no spaces that becomes sealed with biofilm that allows these creatures to thrive, rather it's designed for the bio to fall off when weak.

I'm not hear to sell anyone, if everyone wants to run cheaper stuff that's fine too, I was simply pointing out a piece of the puzzle that's overlooked. Likely due to price?

I was sold cause of who uses it. H20 Mike ditched the almighty Ultima bead filters for a K3/chip bed. The guy that produced one of the nicest Marbles, and nicest blackie hybrids I've seen in the states also uses the same combo. Maybe it is a coincidence, but it's enough of a coincidence that after speaking with both parties it sold me. Not any fancy story about "animals", it was the pics and quantity of the rays that those guys produce.
So why is it that K3 is considered obsolete by the manufacturer, as the expor guy from the Uk, one Nigel, told me...? They only produce k1 and chips.

He told me if i wanted k3 they might still have some in Spain, and that is how i got in touch with aquavision Spain...

The guy i talke to in Spain, is abelgian Bruno de Peet. He seemed to know his stuff.

I will post their e mails here, if you want...
K3 probably didn't sell that much better then K1 since it was catered to higher flowrates, and IF judged strickly off surface area (like most people here like to do) then nobody would have bought it cause it's less then K1.
Thanks for the compliments!

Absolutely awesome system, Energy.
Could you go into a little more detail in how the K1 media boils with such intensity? Is it airdriven, powerheads or airstones?


A very high powered air pump.;)
Agreed thanks much energy

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