They only use chips, he wrote me, in big pond systems, as a small % of the media, and above 300 litres of K1....
Bio Chips seem like a good point and concept, Im still not fully sold, as I think other media types like the one I purchased does have a protected center to be similar, but it seems very odd that so few people are using them in all the systems I have seen, not sure why that is but interesting to see, I found a local place that seems to list them on the web so I put in an email to ask them how much they want for some.
Here is a quick video I shot-shows the reactor and the rest of the filtration. I took the time to explain it a little better.
Wow! That is the craziest filtration setup I've seen! I like it alot.
Absolutely awesome system, Energy.
Could you go into a little more detail in how the K1 media boils with such intensity? Is it airdriven, powerheads or airstones?