Really good food for you Flowerhorns


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2007
Thanks for the fish health advisory. Someone will find it beneficial. I'm over it, I am expressing the other side to longevity realistically. No doubt your fish will live longer than mine, but we have different goals and fish expenditure budgets. I also like the alternative Fraction of the price suggestion. I have noticed that Ken's looks almost exactly identical and has about the same ingredient with nutritional values comparable to what my dad feeds his koi ponds which is bought in bulk.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 29, 2007
Psuedofire;5002692; said:
I get good results too with kens. I mix it with hikari and feed shrimp, salmon, and feed vegies here and there. I like the results. I really don't care if my fh live beyond 5 years. Call it irresponsible if you wish but to me getting emotional over fishes longevity is silly, it's a fish and is replaceable. I like the rapid growth that I get from the bulk fish farm foods. Feeding your fish expensive foods to promote longevity seems like a waste of money to me because there are so many other factors that can kill your pet besides a fatty liver.

Fish keeping is a hobby and not my life, I strive for great looking fish. There is no way you can recreate natural food selection of these fish in a closed system such as a fish tank. Some foods are better than others but the price you pay for that is weighed against the advantages. I don't see having a fish for 20 years as an advantage... Some may argue, judge, and tell others they are wrong for the way they keep fish, but it all comes down to the individual on how they want to feed, how emotional they are, their goals in life, and how much they are willing to spend on the hobby. I think it's funny how some people take fish nutrition more seriously than their own. (post not directed at anyone or critical to how one chooses to feed their pet)
:ROFL: Wow.. Just wow.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
The juvie H. ahli (s. fryeri) used in this study faired much better being a carnivore, but it still showed a lipid accumulation in the hepatocytes. (<50%) The P. socolofi had extensive lipid accumulation when fed this TP diet.
I should also mention that these rapid changes in fat deposition took place over a 12 week feed trial, with fish that were only 4 weeks old when the trial commenced. At that life stage cichlids have much higher metabolisms, and are able to safely assimilate & utilize mugh higher levels of both protein, and fat. So considering that info, imagine what a diet like that would do to the liver of an adult, or even semi adult fish.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 29, 2009
Holy crap first off chill out man and what fish food company does this guy work for.Please close this thread or at least give this guy a pill to settle him down.I Have 17+ tanks up and running and soon to be all of the flowerhorns and I will be damned if I am going to pay $30 for 500gr.Rd please do not reply in any of my thread ever.Make your own if you want to bash Kens products.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 29, 2007
bud;5003115; said:
Holy crap first off chill out man and what fish food company does this guy work for.Please close this thread or at least give this guy a pill to settle him down.I Have 17+ tanks up and running and soon to be all of the flowerhorns and I will be damned if I am going to pay $30 for 500gr.Rd please do not reply in any of my thread ever.Make your own if you want to bash Kens products.
Hey, RD is probably the best guy on MFK to consult about cichlids. He knows his stuff. He wasn't bashing on Ken's products at all, merely pointing out the flaws that you stated as this product being "good food". Ken's stuff is cheap.. and its cheap because of the cheap products + bulk. Like RD said, its your fish, you do whatever you want with it. He's just letting other people that actually want their fish to live long lives to do whats best. Take this as you will.


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Bud, if you are going to start a discussion & title it "Really Good Food for Flowerhorns", then you ought to be prepared for someone to comment in that discussion, be it negative, or positive. Seeing as I saw this product in a negative manner, and knew why, I felt a moral obligation to explain why I felt that way.

Furthermore, had you actually taken the time to read everything that I posted I actually offered you a suggestion as to how to feed all 17 of your FH tanks for a FRACTION of what you are currently spending on Ken's food. (where do you reckon Ken gets it from?)

If that personally causes you angst, then perhaps you shouldn't read my comments in the future as I will post whenever & wherever I feel like.

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2010
lancashire uk
RD.;5003505; said:
Bud, if you are going to start a discussion & title it "Really Good Food for Flowerhorns", then you ought to be prepared for someone to comment in that discussion, be it negative, or positive. Seeing as I saw this product in a negative manner, and knew why, I felt a moral obligation to explain why I felt that way.

Furthermore, had you actually taken the time to read everything that I posted I actually offered you a suggestion as to how to feed all 17 of your FH tanks for a FRACTION of what you are currently spending on Ken's food. (where do you reckon Ken gets it from?)

If that personally causes you angst, then perhaps you shouldn't read my comments in the future as I will post whenever & wherever I feel like.

Burned and Owned i like it


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 5, 2010
West Seattle
my first thought when reading the thread title was "cool, something new and maybe cheap enough to feed all my cichlids as well"
Then after reading the ingredients it was oh...nevermind.

I like seeing buds fish, they generally look pretty good and nice specimens.
I also thoroughly enjoy all posts i find from RD. Usually very informative regardless the topic thumbs up