Now I'm really confused because to me, the picture of your red severum looks just like the picture of the super red severum, well at least in my cell phone anyway.
This is why I always complain about common names.
Super Red or Red severums are all the same thing -- a higher quality (color-wise) gold. They range from really red to orange. Like gold severums, they are never really uniform in color. Mine started out looking pinkish red, and as they grew, they turned bright orange with red lines and yellow fins.
Ask to see a picture of the fish. Which online vendor is it? Someone may be able to tell you if they have experience with their severums.
The only other possibility are Heros severus or Heros sp. 'Atabapo,' which are sometimes called Red-line severums because they are brown with orange-red stripes down their sides. Make sure you're positive about what you're getting before you spend any money.