Red severum vs Super red severum

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Get them young and raise them together. I have an all-male severum tank and there's no major aggression. Throw in a female and everything goes to hell.
That an issue I am having, I was hoping for a larger pair. I don't have the space for another grow out tank, and geting them small, I run the risk them getting harrased or even killed by other tank mates. I think I will stick with trying to find a male and female of a larger size. And if all else fails, I 'll get the 3'' and hope for the best.
Your fish are beautiful just what I want at about 7'' to 8'' to add some serious color to may tannk. How big are your and what time should I stop by to pick them up.:ROFL:
Seriouly though what time. lol
Very nice, my search contiunes, you have set the bar high for me...

Thanks the big male is close to 8" and we have 7 together they get along pretty well other when breeding
From what I hear they rate them by class A,B,etc....... depending on intensity

I do not know if its what they eat, but the one I have is gold based with the orange/red, but some of the ones I've seen are more white based and not as pretty in my opinion even at 7-8".
