• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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i wonder if anybody has completed a transaction with kendrick. i get calls and emails all the time, from kendrick. i just ignore them now, because i know he just wants to talk about fish shipipng fish, and never pays for them.
jgentry;4614582; said:
Lol, this is funny. I just got a reply from this dude a second ago. He emailed me last week wanted my red devil pair.

He posted in my sale thread below as well and wants me to ship him my red devil pair.

K626;4614791; said:
He just did the same thing on my FREE post. I'm re-homing due to downsizing. Check it out.

You should ship him a box full of dog crap!
this was a good read, and a good thread. People that do things like this make a tight net community like ours not trust people, just a shame.
Unfortunately, this and another issue with a transaction (someone stiffing me on the difference between actual and estimated shipping costs) has made me decide to stop shipping to anyone I don't know personally.

The cichlid hobby is pretty small...and people who pull BS will quickly find themselves with a reputation that ensures that they won't have access to much beyond LFS fish...


kevinfleming21;4614884; said:
this was a good read, and a good thread. People that do things like this make a tight net community like ours not trust people, just a shame.
This is why I only do P/U and even then people set up times and never show or answer their phones.

Sometimes if the buyer is "off" on the phone, I meet some where because I don't want strangers knowing where I live.

It's too bad it's not like the old days where you can trust everyone and didn't have to lock your doors.

Oh well, I'm off to send my cash envelope to nigeria for some fish........
dogofwar;4614800; said:
Wow - if nothing else I hope this thread helped at least 3 other people not get burned...


damn..thank god i surfed threw the thread..he wanted me to ship my ocelis and said he would give me an extra 20bucks since ive never shiped b4..who knows what would of happened..makes me think twice about the whole paypal thing:screwy:.. and i like the "poopinabox" idea..but i heard its chemical warfare if you send sh@t:D
Sorry to hear that you nearly got burned. Nonetheless, it's good that you got the fish back before it was too late. :) I'm a big fan of pre-paying for stuff by PayPal when possible because it lets me "lock down" a purchase. Sometimes I can't always make it out that night to do the local P/U (traveling for business), but the PayPal routine at least lets the seller know I'm dead serious about the fish - that I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is - and, even if it takes an extra day or two, that fish is MINE... :)
I'm very confused as to why the staff allows this member in the Marketplace, or MFK at all.
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