beautiful tropheus.... love the one with the hint of blue on his face..fisker;2014335; said:
fisker;2015933; said:
fisker;2016458; said:
I can`t see any ...
mike dunagan;2018859; said:Really nice of you to say that... I am glad I could help... If you have a wife, run now... she will grow to detest me and my bad influence...
Red Devil;2019518; said:Beautiful..i am glad you added your pics here so everyone can see... love the way you did the tank...and fish look very happy and you can get a few more..
JayK1320;2019939; said:Luckily no wife...but the g/f keeps asking what I am doing to "our" tank haha. She already thinks I am fish crazy, I am just getting going thats what I tell her!
Liz, its like you read my mind! I plan to drop the pleco and the 2 yellow labs and get some more peacocks, or something that can peacefully go with them! Suggestions???
bassman24;2043472; said:I can't wait to set up my African 75gal!!! Africans are so beautiful.