Show Us The Different Species of African Rift Lake Cichlids..

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
okay I will try here goes... I will give pic number then name...
1-Aulonocara stuartgranti
3-Neolamprologus Birchardi
6-Buffalo Head/Hump head not africans
9-black calvus
10-black calvus
13-black calvus not same one
14-black calvus not same one
15-blue Dolphine-Cyrtocara moorii
16-Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti Maleri"
17-male Neolamprologus leleupi
18-Haplochromis/Protomelas taeniolatus-female
19-female-Aulonocara stuartgranti
20-Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti Maleri"
22-Julidochromis transcriptus “Gombi”
23- same
24- Julidochromis marlieri
25-leleupi again
26-male-Haplochromis/Protomelas taeniolatus
27Aulonocara "German Red"
28lil black one in back is-Aulonocara maylandi and a bunch of the mixed julies
29-female-Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti Maleri" (Maleri Is.) have a few young males too

not pictured- are few other peacocks- including a bicolor peacock and a few others that I am not sure about at this moment I have it written somewhere...
Just got these guys settled into their new tank..the dragon gobys they were with are going brackish.. they lost a little color and are a little skittish but i was able to get a few pics...
well I took about 300 pictures and I can't get the buggers to hold still long enough to get a picture of any of them...but here are the best ones I could get, nothing fancy in my tank yet, just got it going about 2 weeks ago...I'm new to africans so please be nice...





One of my 55s:

55 Gallon African Cichlids 001.jpg

55 Gallon African Cichlids 002.jpg

55 Gallon African Cichlids 003.jpg

55 Gallon African Cichlids 011.jpg

55 Gallon African Cichlids 037.jpg

55 Gallon African Cichlids 038.jpg

55 Gallon African Cichlids 050.jpg

55 Gallon African Cichlids 073.jpg

55 Gallon African Cichlids 056.jpg

55 Gallon African Cichlids 055.jpg
The big older guys love having their pics taken..

africans 015.jpg
israelm;1145806; said:
the fish on the first pic is really cool. the silver one ontop os the yellow one. what type of cichlid is that i would really like to get some.

this one right? if so its a "cobalt blue". scientific name i believe is Pseudotropheus zebra. theyre pretty common so u should be able to find them relatively easy.
these are my cichlids.
