What's up guys!
Its been 18 days since fill up, just wanted to post a little update. The tank has been solid, absolutely ZERO issues and believe you me I watch it like a hawk! Plants are starting to take off and with some already established bio media from a friend's fish room shout and thank you to @
i Aqua
! We are rolling along pretty good with cycling. Got a few Cory's and a couple Sailfin Plecos in there living the dream.
The overflow issue was solved by cutting out a piece of acrylic slightly smaller than the inside of the opening. This acrylic "lid" sits at the top of the overflow with a 1/8'' gap around it allowing water to flow in while keeping fish out. The lid is held in place with a couple of plastic coated magnets. So it snaps in and out with ease and looks super clean.
I also have added additional filtration power by running a canister filter (yes, the pressure gauge is not working) that serves as more of a media reactor with some additional filtration in tandem with the sump. This set up is by all means overkill, but damn does it keep my water crystal clear. I bumped up my return pump in anticipation of the new plumbing. runs nice at 60% with plenty of ramp up if needed. Water runs from tank, through sump, through canister and then back to tank. I also mapped the plumbing out so I can bypass the canister filter if maintenance is needed, or a problem occurs without shutting down the whole system.
Again, over kill but pretty cool stuff if you ask me!