You'll most likely be fine . You nailed the eurobrace, it's rock solid. I just don't envy that access to the overflow box, but it's serviceable...I'm imagining coat hanger creations that may be of use in snaking out errant leaves.
@Backfromthedead Yea. Trust me, I’m not happy about it either. Been thinking about cutting out a screen to size and securing it with some carefully placed dabs of silicone or glue or something. I really don’t wan to go fishing in there.
@Backfromthedead Yea. Trust me, I’m not happy about it either. Been thinking about cutting out a screen to size and securing it with some carefully placed dabs of silicone or glue or something. I really don’t wan to go fishing in there.
Not a bad idea. I've seen several similar add-ons particularly in planted tanks. A cut-to-size sheet of window screen over the weir teeth and top of the overflow could save you a lot of headache by catching all the big stuff.
I know that I can be a bit pessimistic about potential future problems, likely because so many have risen from the grave to bite me on the ass at a later date. Sorry about that; it's a gift...
I think a piece of nylon or plastic screen at the top of that type of weir is essential. If it covers the open top it prevents jumpers, and extending it down to protect the individual teeth helps to screen out debris...or fish fry...but it will then force the water level to rise even a bit higher than it is now unless you also cut the gaps between the teeth a wee bit deeper. The screen must also be cleaned regularly to prevent a gradual water depth increase as the screen slowly becomes obstructed with debris.
Your 27 inch depth is much less than I guessed from those pics, so I'm sure there will be no structural issues...even if your favourite $200 fish manages to flip its portly short-bodied form into the overflow...while your wife is at long as you don't panic and start trying to spear it or gaff it or otherwise finagle it back out of that inaccessible little chasm...
What did Bill Murray say in Ghostbusters? "I love this plan...I'm excited to be a part of it!"
@jjohnwm no worries man. Completely valid point! I’ll figure out an elegant solution.
I was thinking about gluing some tabs on the inside of the overflow to use as, “support tabs” to hold a piece of acrylic flush with the top of the overflow? Or maybe just a little below it with some holes/ slits in it.
Something like that would look nice (not that anyone will see it but me) and be easier to pop out and clean when needed.