Snakehead Fishing in New Jersey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Are you saying that no fish hobbyist ever released a snakehead into US waters? I would find that hard to believe. People buy fish that outgrow their tanks and release them into local waters.

I would bet you money there were way more oscars, pacu, and RTC than there ever were snakeheads

As far as do you want snakeheads in the water you fish: SURE! they get big, they're a great fight, and they're delicious. They spawn in huge numbers and give bass something to eat.

Will they overtake ecosystems and ravage the land and eat our babies? NO. as has already stated they mostly eat small bluegills and other small fish, yes they may attack something too big to eat if it goes near their beds during breeding, but most fish are smarter than that anyways

I just read through this thread and have to thank OP for a good laugh... think ima have to jump on that chupacabra train :ROFL:
If you polled the majority of freshwater fishermen in this country, I would be willing to bet that they do not want snakeheads in their local waters.
I bet if you ask "Joe" on the street if he knew anything about snakeheads, he would tell you "Oh yeah, those are those fish that crawl on land and attack people and their pets. Kill everything for fun, not even to eat and survive."
^^ +1, i've been out fishing public areas before and here people talking about them like they're straight out of a horror movie, its comically sad
well, there was a horror movie about them, wasn't there? a made for tv horror movie....
yes a comically terrible movie.... its good for a laugh
Snakeheads are known to eat small pets and children. There have been documented cases of children snatched from their beds at night in some Asian countries. In the wild, they have a varied diet. When they are in the water, they will eat anything from fish to dolphins to crocodiles. On land, they will eat deer, boar, dogs, wolves, people, pets, and anything that is 2/3 of their total length. They also have the ability to walk on land for days out of water. In fact, they are almost like amphibians. Inside their powerful, bone crunching jaws are rows of razor sharp teeth. Combine this with the fact that they can grow to 5 feet long, you've got yourself a monster. They make alligators seem like guppies.
Good one!