Snakehead Fishing in New Jersey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I guess those 24 smakeheads that were caught in 2 days of fishing have little effect on the other species in that body of water in New Jersey. I guess they are feeding on NLS pellets and jumbo carnivore stix. LOL!
I guess those 24 smakeheads that were caught in 2 days of fishing have little effect on the other species in that body of water in New Jersey. I guess they are feeding on NLS pellets and jumbo carnivore stix. LOL!

They more than likely move into an area that has less native fish like bass ect as they are formidable competition.
i doubt it, asian carp can thrive further north, where 7-9 of 10 fish caught are silver and bighead carp. plus these things get 40 to 100 pounds. please do us a favor and make sure that barrier keeps them out of the great lakes, god knows what will happen once they get in
i doubt it, asian carp can thrive further north, where 7-9 of 10 fish caught are silver and bighead carp. plus these things get 40 to 100 pounds. please do us a favor and make sure that barrier keeps them out of the great lakes, god knows what will happen once they get in

Northern snakeheads can tolerate those areas. You are missing the point though. When the carp spawn, you don't think that snakeheads (and other fish) take out fingerlings? I would bet my house they do, but just not faster than they are producing.
I Believe that you guys are blessed with an awesome sportfish.
Argus is able to grow to 40inches and Marulius to 32inches.
Sounds like nice sized sportfish to catch on lures.
Neither carp or snakehead are going to destroy amn ecosystem in an area as big as the United States! Maybe on islands this is possible, but definately not in the US.
By the way, here in Europe North American crayfish were wiping out the native crayfish population since 1980 or so, but there is still no ban to keep them, just a ban ( with huge fines) on letting them free. And there are special breeding farms for native crayfish(Astacus astacus) that offer them for stocking ponds,rivers and lakes. And guess what? The population is increasing slightly again ;)
So basically my message is: The american authorities are making too much of a drama about the whole snakehead thing. Snakeheads won't destroy any ecosystem apart from some real vulnerable ones.