Snakehead Fishing in New Jersey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I just seen a area in Maryland that is having a problem with snakeheads. They can completely change an entire eco system.
I just seen a area in Maryland that is having a problem with snakeheads. They can completely change an entire eco system.

Don't you meant an already altered ecosystem filled with non-native fishes? Lot of gamefish and forage fish are not native to Potomac River....
Snakeheads are known to eat small pets and children. There have been documented cases of children snatched from their beds at night in some Asian countries. In the wild, they have a varied diet. When they are in the water, they will eat anything from fish to dolphins to crocodiles. On land, they will eat deer, boar, dogs, wolves, people, pets, and anything that is 2/3 of their total length. They also have the ability to walk on land for days out of water. In fact, they are almost like amphibians. Inside their powerful, bone crunching jaws are rows of razor sharp teeth. Combine this with the fact that they can grow to 5 feet long, you've got yourself a monster. They make alligators seem like guppies.

I sure hope that this is an attempt at sarcasm. This statement is the type of propaganda that causes fear in people that make snap judgement and laws banning fish and other exotics. I have kept these fish and most of the horror stories that you will hear are just made up fantastical fish stories. I hope that one day the American government will wake up and use some common sense when making laws that affect everyone. Oh, and by the way, not everything you see on TV is real.
I Believe that you guys are blessed with an awesome sportfish.
Argus is able to grow to 40inches and Marulius to 32inches.
Sounds like nice sized sportfish to catch on lures.

.......and not only that,they are said to be quite tasty.
I sure hope that this is an attempt at sarcasm. This statement is the type of propaganda that causes fear in people that make snap judgement and laws banning fish and other exotics. I have kept these fish and most of the horror stories that you will hear are just made up fantastical fish stories. I hope that one day the American government will wake up and use some common sense when making laws that affect everyone. Oh, and by the way, not everything you see on TV is real.
If people didn't release exotic fish into our waterways, our government wouldn't have to make laws banning certain fish.
If people didn't release exotic fish into our waterways, our government wouldn't have to make laws banning certain fish.

I agree. It is irresponsible to release unwanted pets. The snakehead was not released by keepers but was traced back to an oriental buisnessman who was breeding them in Maryland lake to harvest at a later date to turn a profit in the food industry. A heavy rain flooded the lake and released them into near by waters. Sucks either way, but it unfortunately happens.
If people didn't release exotic fish into our waterways, our government wouldn't have to make laws banning certain fish.
See that's this thing, the snakeheads in United States do not come from unwanted pet releases. Northern Snakehead of Potomac River were released by an oriental businessman. Bulleye Snakehead of Florida were most likely released by oriental businessman along with Asian market's popular food fish (walking catfish, swamp eel, tilapia etc). Chevron Snakehead of Hawaii was stocked by Department of Agriculture a 100 years ago.
Are you saying that no fish hobbyist ever released a snakehead into US waters? I would find that hard to believe. People buy fish that outgrow their tanks and release them into local waters.