

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 29, 2007
South Florida
Wow that tad is taking its sweet time . In NJ the temps are falling now at night . He may have been one of the tads that stayed aquatic during the winter.

I would think staying aquatic is lot more dangerous for a tad than turning in to a froglet.


MFK Member
Jul 15, 2008
I think he's just a lazy little glutton, I really should take a video of his fat self swimming, it's absurd.

At night the temparture drops now are significant, I'm already snuggling under my down comforter. I wonder when normally they decide to hibernate. I read that they produce that antifreeze stuff to protect their cells during the process, I assume that means that they hibernate above ground? I was trying to find info on whether or not there is anything that I need/ can do to help prepare them for this or should I get out a heat lamp for them.

It makes me chuckle at how much thought and care I put into these guys. When I was little I just used to stick them in a tank outside and let them hop out when ready, adults were pounced upon when collecting and stuck in pockets. Now I'm reasearching, worrying, landscaping and trying to eradicate an infestation fruit flies with the tempation of liquor to their drunken fate.

When I was researching the cubans it surprised me to find that they hibernate as well, is that normal behavior, or is that only if you bring them up north. To me its just funny to think of anything needing to hiberante in such a warm climate like Florida


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 29, 2007
South Florida
I wouldnt give them extra heat unless you like it chilly in your house . As these are Native NJ tree frogs and found in cooler temps.

You can tell if to cold for them because they stop eating and for most part don't move. Think they prefer 68 to 75 during day and cooler at night but again if you think to cold than heat won't hurt.

I had no idea Cuban tree's hibernated. We did have roughly 14 cold winter nights last Jan/Feb when it hit 40 to 45 degrees than it went back to high 60's or 70s during day . It was a bad cold spell .

It can drop to 60s average during winter nights . I guess the heat loving CTFs might even hibernate than as only see green tree's at cooler temps.

The Geckoes,anoles,tree frogs are no where to be found usually Jan/Feb when steady night temps can plummet to 60s or even 50s than I see them again in March .

Maybe they all hibernate and I didn't know it.