

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 29, 2007
South Florida
meghanashley;3504057; said:
he looks awesome, and big. how are big are they? my guys are about the size of my pinky nail. I switched to half mesh top, I used a stoller canopy mesh top that I had from when my son was little. It looks terrible and I've been kiling fruit flies that escaped left and right. I got the pin head crickets and one of the froglets since has had quite a little pot belly.

Its body not including tail is an inch . Its twice as big as its siblings who left the water while back but see some at night in back yard walls.

The solid white and albino tree frogs are weird when it comes to growth. Either they die or grow real slow. It eats cichlid pellets.

Your better off just getting a reg mesh tank top and than placing glass on top of half or sheet of GLAD cling wrap .

This way it will look nice and its a nice set up so might as well keep it looking nice .

Plus your fruit flies wont escape with reg small mesh screen top.

Gray tree frogs are one of the best native treefrogs hardy and very pretty .


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 12, 2007
Port Orange, FL
Louie that white CTF is really neat, I've only ever seen the normal tan ones though my wife apparently saw a green one. I wondered if it was just a green treefrog but she said it was as big as our usual CTF's, and I haven't seen a green around at all.

Most of mine have sprouted legs and left, I see small ones on the walls sometimes. The water is a lovely shade of dark green but it's not particularly nasty, so I'll let it go until this batch leaves (I still have some in various stages from leg buds to near-adult froglets).

I really like that terrarium. Awesome that the little guys are eating the pinhead crix, if the fruit flies are escaping you can maybe find the wingless ones...also keep an eye out for any growing crickets and remove them, as you don't want them nibbling on your froglets.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 29, 2007
South Florida
CTU2fan;3504323; said:
Louie that white CTF is really neat, I've only ever seen the normal tan ones though my wife apparently saw a green one. I wondered if it was just a green treefrog but she said it was as big as our usual CTF's, and I haven't seen a green around at all.

Most of mine have sprouted legs and left, I see small ones on the walls sometimes. The water is a lovely shade of dark green but it's not particularly nasty, so I'll let it go until this batch leaves (I still have some in various stages from leg buds to near-adult froglets).

I really like that terrarium. Awesome that the little guys are eating the pinhead crix, if the fruit flies are escaping you can maybe find the wingless ones...also keep an eye out for any growing crickets and remove them, as you don't want them nibbling on your froglets.

I imagine she saw a green Cuban tree . They aren't rare . Granted not like the common color but I have seen them.

Last year I had albino green tree frog tads and those I would have kept as adults but they died during leg sprouting time.

This year I only had reg green tree frog tads but had albino CTF (died) .
At least a solid white/black eyes CTF as of now has made it.

You have some light bloomers because by now even the green tads which take their sweet time have left my yard. For CTF this is late in the year .


MFK Member
Jul 15, 2008
I bought the flightless ones, but the sprouted wings anyway. Someone posted in the thread that a temperature increase causes that to happen. I wish I had never bought them, cause I now am infested. They are bigger than the fruit flies I am used to and driving me nuts. I'll have to pick up some fly paper. They seem to have taken up residence in my tree, I think beacuse I recently re-fertilized it.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 29, 2007
South Florida
meghanashley;3508561; said:
I bought the flightless ones, but the sprouted wings anyway. Someone posted in the thread that a temperature increase causes that to happen. I wish I had never bought them, cause I now am infested. They are bigger than the fruit flies I am used to and driving me nuts. I'll have to pick up some fly paper. They seem to have taken up residence in my tree, I think beacuse I recently re-fertilized it.
lol thats kind of funny. I know your not thrilled with it but the fly paper should eradicate them.

Its funny how a simple terrarium can wind up costing so much and live food such a pain.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Sep 7, 2007
meghanashley;3508561; said:
I bought the flightless ones, but the sprouted wings anyway. Someone posted in the thread that a temperature increase causes that to happen. I wish I had never bought them, cause I now am infested. They are bigger than the fruit flies I am used to and driving me nuts. I'll have to pick up some fly paper. They seem to have taken up residence in my tree, I think beacuse I recently re-fertilized it.
Simple solution to fruitflies:

These little bugger crave sweetness so much that if you simply place a small container with a few small holes in the top, and place sugar water in the container along with so common poison like Raid mixed in they (the fruitflies) will come and drink regardless of the poison they can't help themselves.


If you don't like the idea of poison in the house, get a empty bottle with a norrow neck, use your finger to wipe a small amount of oil on the inside lip of the bottle, now add about a half ounce of Tequila to the bottle, place to bottle on a shelve somewhere and check it every 3~4 days. The fruitflies will come drink and 90% will drown in the Tequila the rest that make it back to the top will slide back down and drown also. Fruitflies are drawn to Tequila almost megnetically.


MFK Member
Jul 15, 2008
Louie;3509876; said:
lol thats kind of funny. I know your not thrilled with it but the fly paper should eradicate them.

Its funny how a simple terrarium can wind up costing so much and live food such a pain.
I know, my fish too, those suckers eat just as well as my son, all organic veggies and meats while I'm stuck eating ramon noddles when I have a tight financial month. They are worth it though, I love to watch them, that includes my son. I'm going to remove all of the moss bedding and leaves around the pond area, I think it will make the maintanence easier and also easier to spot the froglets.

Tequila;3510604; said:

If you don't like the idea of poison in the house, get a empty bottle with a norrow neck, use your finger to wipe a small amount of oil on the inside lip of the bottle, now add about a half ounce of Tequila to the bottle, place to bottle on a shelve somewhere and check it every 3~4 days. The fruitflies will come drink and 90% will drown in the Tequila the rest that make it back to the top will slide back down and drown also. Fruitflies are drawn to Tequila almost megnetically.
Thanks, I am not a fan of poison, and I would be nervous that there final descend might be into one of my fish tanks. I am really liking the idea of the tequilla. I won't feel as bad offing them when at least I'm getting them drunk first.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 12, 2007
Port Orange, FL
LOL @ drunk fruitflies.

They are late (my tads that is). I'm not sure why, I had them late last year too and I think the cold killed them off. Up here I'm thinking the ones that don't spawn early enough just don't make it. I also get them breeding very late here too, I know I saw some new eggs in the tub in late August...but I never get green trees.

Apparently the cane toads have gotten up here though, a buddy of mine had one hanging around this summer...I haven't spotted one yet though.


MFK Member
Jul 15, 2008
I still have three tadpoles that seem in no rush to become frogs. I had read some where that some species will stay tadpoles till the following spring/ summer if there is a temperture drop before they reach the froglet stage. Do you still have eggs, or tadpoles?

Are cane toads native to Florida, didn't they create havoc somewhere as an invasive spieces....... Australia? maybe is what I'm thinkg of.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 29, 2007
South Florida
CTU2fan;3511425; said:
LOL @ drunk fruitflies.

They are late (my tads that is). I'm not sure why, I had them late last year too and I think the cold killed them off. Up here I'm thinking the ones that don't spawn early enough just don't make it. I also get them breeding very late here too, I know I saw some new eggs in the tub in late August...but I never get green trees.

Apparently the cane toads have gotten up here though, a buddy of mine had one hanging around this summer...I haven't spotted one yet though.
I know the temp difference through out the state is huge. its still in 90s here during the day 80s/lowest high 70s during night.

Even though till Jan/Feb its still hot they usually all breed by latest Sept .

If Cuban tree's can survive by you than would think Cane toads could also esp since they dig in the soil and can bury themselves .

Cane toads are the only non native that I have seen take a toll on native toads . During the summer rains early in yr when the spadefoot toads (think thats what they are called ) come out at night .

The cane toads eat them .

I don't like them but won't kill them. I just put them out in front yard if I catch them in yard.