• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

The Biggest freshwater eel I've seen

Used to have a fishing video filmed in NZ, catching long finned eels ( i think) it was next to a abattior all the blood ran into the river, it was full of them and they were massive.:)
Yup, that would have been years ago when the normal method of waste disposal was to dump it in the river :eek:

Didn't do much for the water quality in the river... but the Eels LOVED it :grinno:


None of these are mine. They all came from http://www.fishing-worldrecords.com/

Electric Eel

New Zealand Longfin Eel

Speckled Longfin Eel

This is the NJ state record American eel from http://www.state.nj.us
That NJ American Eel??? That is the USUAL size in Massachusetts (Cape Cod)
Are any of the opening posts pics american eels? I couldn't tell, except that the last pic in black and white is not one (visible scales).
wow, nice. How big is the tank?
True eel spawns once in a lifetime, so really old eels would have to be landlocked eels. I have seen one of those NZ eels when i was on a visit over there, huge and massize things it was.