• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Surge protector on BACKUP battery tripped some time between 3am-3pm Sunday with the air pump connected to it. Eventhough all the filters were running, the casualty from 3 different tanks include:
(1) 10" clown loach
(1) 8" clown loach
(1) 7.5" clown loach
(1) 7" clown loach
(3) 6.5" clown loach
(2) 6" clown loach
(2) 4.5" clown loach
(1) 7" royal loach
(1) 6" fei feng
(1) 6" tiger SD
(1) 15" emperor cichlid
(3) 18" white sturgeon...



Wow that is a loss :banghead::( really sorry to hear this hope you get back on track soon enough

Sent from my Nexus 7 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Not anywhere near jlnguyen loss but here's mine. Came home to find this guy on its side. Wah

Sent from my SM-G900T using MonsterAquariaNetwork App

That's a football! I'm sorry
I've been working my way backwards from most recent posts in this thread. I've not lost my monster yet, and hope not to (13.5" leopard sailfin pleco). I'm currently working on getting him a new home since he's outgrown its holding tank and life decided get in the way of building/buying an appropriate monster tank to house 'em. Seeing all these losses make me sad for those baring the loss, but eases my pain of having to let boy go, at least he'll leave my care alive and in good health (bar any unforeseen catastrophe before he' leaves aka power outage or heater/filter failures.. *knocks on all available nearby wood (all tank stands/tables)*).