I still dont know...I think someone turned on the tap and didnt put it out.
I was doing a water change last night and watching a movie in the other room and completely forgot about the tank and came back and it was overflowing. So i did what i could to fix it and went to bed, when i really shouldnt have because everything was barely sorted. But for 7 hours there was no pumps or heaters and a lot of new water, probably the equivalent to a 100% waterchange in my 180 gallon. So i woke up to half my tank being dead, thankfully my L25 didnt perish, or i woulda quit the freaking hobby. Cause of death is pretty much unknown on my part, not really a need for me to go to far to find out though, some fish made it while others did not.Wow ! sorry for your loss , any idea what happened ?
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