The End-All Mini Monster Thread

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scientific name: Abramites hypselonotus

common name: Abramite, Marbled headstander

care level: fairly easy

size in aquaria: males and females to 13.75cm (5.5")

pH and kH range: pH: 6-7.5, kH: preferably soft

temp range: 72-82*F, 22-28*C

origin: widespread throughout the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers

temperament: A well behaved community fish, but territorial to conspecifics.

tankmates: most peaceful or semi-aggressive fish, including members of its own species if they are kept in a school of 7-8 individuals.

diet: herbivorous. Will except veggies, fruits, and flakes, but may except some meaty foods such as bloodworms and aquatic insects. It will also graze on algae, but should in no way make up a large part of its diet.

tank size for adult: 38gal for single individual, 55gal for school of 7-8 individuals.

Narrative: This is a very interesting fish. It shows the usual headstander behavior, and often assumes the head down position while looking for food on the substrate and decor. It is very intolerant of members of its own species but they can be kept together if they are in a school of 7-8 individuals. It will happily eat aquarium plants if not well fed.

References: mongabay, my own previous knowlege.
How about those parastic catfish that swim up your ureathrea if you piss in the Amazon? I can't think of anything more monstrous...

Or the other "candiru" cat, Cetopsis candiru?

common name: Torpedo Whale Catfish

care level: Fairly Easy

size in aquaria: 6"

pH and kH range: pH: 6-7.5, kH: preferably soft

temp range: 72-82*F, 22-28*C

origin: widespread throughout the Amazon

temperament: Not too bad with healthy large fish, but if anything gets injured or sickly...

tankmates: See above, also gets along in groups

diet: Big dead fish...

tank size for adult: 10 gallon for one, 35 + for a small group.

Looks like a grayish-purple torpedo with teeth. Feeds primarily on corpses of dead fish. I have personally kept these horrible things, feeding a school of them big dead orandas and koi was awesome. They go into a frenzy, chew the skin off before getting inside the belly and hollowing the carcass out from the inside. All that's left over is a "Amazon Abyss" for video lol

Scientific Name: Enneacampus ansorgii

Common name: african freshwater pipefish

Care Level: reletively hard

Size: (in centimeter) 15 cm or 6"

pH and KH range:medium hard water and neutral pH

Temperature range: 24-28 (74-82)

Origin: africa

Temperament: peaceful

Compatible Tankmates: most small fish that wont bother it

Diet: small foods like brine shrimp and guppy fry

Tank Size for Adult: 20L

Narrative: i have never kept the fish but they are pretty cool and related to seahorses

References: Baensch aquarium atlas


Scientific Name: Dario dario

Common name: Scarlet badis, Scarlet gem badis, Bengal dario

Care Level: Easy-Moderate. They will only eat small frozen and/or live foods

Size: 0.75", 2cm

pH and KH range: pH 6.5-7.0, moderately soft water KH: 10-15

Temperature range: 24 - 27 C (76 - 79 F)

Origin: West Bengal, India

Temperament: Fairly peaceful. Excellent micropredators! They act very much like miniature Apistogrammas.

Compatible Tankmates: very limited. I recommend keeping them in a species tank, but they will live well with Hara jerdoni, licorice gouramis, and micro-rasboras

Diet: small meaty foods. They WILL NOT take most prepared foods. They must be fed frozen and/or live food. Mine relish detritus worms and planaria. Small blackworms also appear to be a favorite. Microworms are highly recommended too.

Tank Size for Adult: perfect nano-tank residents! Males need 3 gallons to establish a territory. However, two males in 3 gallons might be possible if the tank is heavily planted.

Narrative: Surprisingly inquisitive and intelligent for such tiny fish. Their colors are nothing short of breath taking! They are excellent de-wormers. Despite their small size, they are highly personable. They are very hard to find at normal retail stores, and females are virtually impossible to find due to their plain coloration in comparison to the males. If you have an open tank and run across these little jewels, get some, you will not regret it!

References: Live Aquaria,, and personal experience

Scientific Name: Allenbatrachus grunniens

Common name: freashwater toadfish, freshwater lionfish

Care Level: no idea, probably moderate

Size: 12", 30cm

pH and KH range: pH 7.8-8.5, KH 15-25 Brackish Water

Temperature range: 23-28 C (73-82 F)

Origin: Indo-Pacific rim

Temperament: relatively lazy. They will eat anything that will fit into their mouths.

Compatible Tankmates: Archerfish, scats, etc.

Diet: Piscivorious by nature. Basic predator fare will do.

Tank Size for Adult: 48"x12"x12"

Narrative: BRACKISH WATER. Very odd looking fish. They do have venomous dorsal fin spines. They'll spend about 98% of the day in one spot waiting for food.


Scientific Name: Polycentropsis abbreviata

Common Names: African leaf fish

Care Level: Moderate

Size: 3.2", 8cm

pH and KH range: 6.0-6.5 pH, 1-10 KH

Temperature Range: 79-88 F, 26-31 C

Origin: Cameroon, Benin, Gabon, Nigeria

Temperament: ambush predator

Compatible Tankmates: species tank recommended. Anything that won't be eaten or eat it.

Diet: Piscivore. Silversides, shrimp, typically only takes live food

Tank Size For Adults: 20 long

Narrative: Behaves very similar to Nandus spp. and South American leaffish.

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Scientific Name: Betta splendens

Common name: Betta, siamese fighting fish, chinese fighting fish, japanese fighting fish, fighting fish.

Care Level: Easy, most people start with these guys

Size: 2-3"

pH and KH range: pH 6.5-7.4, moderately soft water KH: 10-15

Temperature range: 79-82 F

Origin: Asia

Temperament: Great loner fish, will flare at reflections, and similar looking fish

Compatible Tankmates: Plecos, Cories, Snails

Diet: Any betta pellet, flake will work. They love worms and and lettuce too.

Tank setup: A 2-3g should be fine for a single male betta. They appreciate plants for shade. Filtration is not necessary but great for water movement. Heating is necessary but you don't need a heater if your room is warm

Narrative: Very interesting and active fish! They have very bright colors and interesting personalities. They are like miniature arowanas when they eat.

References: My bettas that i have owned, friends, various websites



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Not a fish, I know! If this isn't appropriate here, I apologize.


Scientific Name Ambystoma Mexicanum

Common name: Axolotl, Mexican Walking Fish

Care Level: Very low maintenance, hardy

Size: Can reach 40cm, but usually max out around 18cm

Temperature range: 16-20 Celsius

Origin: Mexico

Temperament: aggressive, they're impulsive snappers, and consume anything they can (even rocks, they're not too bright)

Compatible Tankmates: feeders such as minnows, very big snails, each other... maybe large coldwater fish but it's always a gamble

Diet: earthworms, meat, small fish, pellets

Tank Size for Adult: 30x60 cm (unless it's a giant specimen)

Narrative: Perhaps the classic pet of the creepy/weird kid at school?
Quite endearing little monsters with their little arms and legs, usually pretty lazy and shy, but can be trained to chase their food, and are people (movement) watchers.
Plus they're a freak of nature - They're salamanders that can regenerate tails and limbs, and they breed in the aquatic larval stage, rarely morphing to their lame, weakling adult terrestrial form.
Come in a variety of flavours - albino, leucistic, golden, solid black, olive green, brown and variants.
Need cool water, a filter and a few hiding places, nothing fancy.

References: community, experience
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Scientific Name: Achirus lineatus

Common name: Freshwater Flounder

Care Level: Medium

Size: (in centimeter) 12cm

pH and KH range: 6.5 - 7.8

Temperature range: celsius (fahrenheit) 65 - 85 F

Origin: USA
Temperament: peaceful

Compatible Tankmates: Spotted green puffer is the only tankmate that I have had challenges with!

Diet: Carnivorous (Bloodworm, Brine Shrimp, Black Worm, small fish)

Tank Size for Adult: 20G

Narrative: Bottom dweller; Sandy subtrate preferred. Freshwater only as fry, requires salt addition as it matures.

References: Personal Experience + Aqualandpetplus