Scientific Name: Crenicichla saxatilis
Common name: Dwarf Spangled Pike Cichlid
Care Level: Moderate
Size: ~25.4cm (~10")
pH and KH range: 6.6 to 7.2 PH, soft water
Temperature range: 25 to 29 C (78 to 85 F)
Origin: South America, Amazon River, Peru and Brazil mostly
Temperament: semi aggressive towards others, extremely aggressive towards members of the same species or anything that will mostly in its mouth
Compatible Tankmates: Semi-aggressive fish between 8 and 12 inches long, or slow, well camoflaged fish (Mine is with a Rhino Pleco)
Diet: If it doesn't twitch, the fish won't eat it. Can be trained to eat pellets, but what's the fun in that?
Tank Size for Adult: 55 gallon (just a guess, and likely on the small side this is a really subjective stat)
Narrative: These fish are always hungry and will learn to recognize their owners. Feeding time is really brief and she'll eat anything she can fit in her mouth, along with some things that can fit in her mouth given enough time and rending.
References: The product of much research and reading, but no links sadly.