The End-All Mini Monster Thread

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Synodontis petricola

Cukoo Catfish, Cukoo Squeaker

care level: pretty easy

Size: about 8-9cm

PH: Higher ph levels around 8-8.5

Temp: 75-80degrees farenheit

Origin: Lake Tanganika

temperment: peaceful but very tough

tankmates: anything that cannot swallow it, lives in the wild with rift valley cichlids. Prefer being kept in schools

Diet: No issue

Tank size: 30-40, bigger is better with lots of rockwork.

A catfish that has a suprising breeding method. When breeding schools of these cuties will swarm mouthbrooding cichlids and eat any eggs that they can. In the confusion the catfish lay their own eggs which the cichlids care for instead of their own. any surviving cichlid fry are quickly out competed and/or eaten by the faster growing cukoo cats. a pretty badass animal that acts like a pictus cat.


Platydoras costatus

Spotted rafael catfish, Methusela catfish (As a joke)

care level: easy

size: larger species of rafael grow 22 cm, smaller species average out at 10-15 cm

PH: 6.5-7.5

Temperature flexible 70-85 farenheight

Origin: Amazon

Temperment: peaceful to anything to big to swallow

Tank mates: less agressive cichlids, larger tetras and barbs, gouramis etc.

Foods: very flexible, eat anything that fits in its mouth

tank size: larger species require about 100L with smaller species a 20 is possible if alone, preferred 30-40

Notes, if kept properly can live for 15-20+ years, very hardy fish that likes hiding places, covered in spines.Close relative of talking catfish
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Don't know scientific name

Butterfly goby, waspfish

Care level: difficult

size: average at 6-7 cm supposidy 10 cm

PH KH: brackish water about 2 tsp gravity of about 1.013, Can adapt to a wider range if salinity is changed gradually.

Temp: tropical

Origin; Indonesia

Temperment: rather shy eats fish up to 1/2 its size

Tankmates: best as a species fish, larger fish bother it and get stung, smaller fish get eaten. It's a rather delicate fish

Tank Size: 29 minimum, bigger is easier to maintain

Diet: No records of it eating pellets. Good luck if you get one. they can be VERY picky eaters of even live food.

Notes, related to lionfish. Stings are incredibly painful and last about an hour but not fatal unless allergic (if there is even such an allergy). A slightly delicate and picky, but interesting predator. they can still sting when dead. Do you research before getting one

Liosomadoras oncinus

Jaguar catfish

Care level: Moderate to rather difficult

size: 18 cm

PH: Likes acidic water. 5.5-6.5 with 6 being the preferred PH

Temperature: 70-78, likes cooler water than most tropicals

Origin: south america, Patagonian rivers

Temperment: very territorial will even argue about territory within plastic bag,

Tankmates: tough fish that can survive cooler water. I.e rainbowfish, cichlids

Min tank: 50

notes: Noctornal species best kept alone or in a pair unless you have acces to a large tank. Make a noise like a foghorn at night when fighting over territiory. A specialized species


Scientific Name: Lepidiolamprologus Hequi

Common name: Hequi

Care Level: Easy-Medium

Size: (in centimeter) 9cm

pH and KH range: 8.2

Temperature range: (fahrenheit) 76-80 F

Origin: Lake Tanganyika

Temperament: extremely aggressive

Compatible Tankmates: Cichlids, synodontis catfish

Diet: Will eat pellet/flake and mysis/krill

Tank Size for Adult: min. 20L for one pair, 40b for group.

Narrative: One of the larger shell dwellers, a pair can be kept/breed in a 20L, but these fish can be difficult to pair, so if starting with a group, pair them in a 40b, then move compatible fish to 20L's for breeding. They will eat prepared foods, but they will overeat, care should be taken not to overfeed, and extra attention should be given to water quality if you want them to breed.

References: Cite your references if possible.

microctenopoma nanum

dwarf ctenopoma, dwarf climbing perch

Care level: easy to moderate

size: 8 cm

PH: around 6.5-7

Temperature: 70-75 farenheit

origin: south-east africa

Shy but territorial with other ctenopoma species

Tankmates: peaceful fish too large to be eaten

diet: Carniverous, no idea about pellets

Min tank: 20L for 1, larger tanks for multiples

Never seen it on sale before and found almost no information on it, but an interesting little predator. Breathes air like gouramis and can crawl over land for some distance so keep well covered.
Not sure if it's a monster but;


Astyanax jordani

Blind cave fish, Blind cave tetra, Mexican tetra

care Level: easy

size: 7-10 cm

PH (6-7.5)

temp: 68-75

origin: Mexico & southern USA

Temperment: semi agressive

Tank Mates: other tetras, gouramis, semi agressive cichlids, keep in a shoal to avoid agressive behavior

tank size: 20 gal for a shoal of 6 bigger for more or other tankmates. Does not require light unless you want to watch it or are growing plants.

Diet: not picky

Note: an interesting fish that lost it's eyes to adapt to cave environments, has an extremly sensetive lateral line and is faster to food then many fish that have eyes. They're born with functioning eyes that degenerate as they age.

Not sure if it's a true mini monster but it is interesting, plus I'm running out of other ideas.

Tetraodon biocellatus

Figure 8 puffer

care level: moderate to difficult

Size: up to 8cm

PH: 7.5 -1.005

Temp; 24 celsius

Origin; india

Temperment: extremly agressive

Tankmates: other puffers if you have a large tank

Tank size for adult: 20 for 1 alone, much bigger for tankmates

Diet: fish crustaceans

Extra: same diet issues as other puffers

reference: Figure 8 Pufferfish - Tetraodon biocellatus

Sphaerichthys osphromenoides

Chocolate gourami

Care level; moderate to very difficult

size:5-6 cm

ph 6-6.5, die in neutal to alkali water conditions

temp 80+ farenheit

origin: mekong basin (asia)

temperment; shy and peaceful

tank mates; peaceful fish ith similar habitat: i.e cories, small tetras, maybe discus

diet, live food, likes blackworms and mosquito larve, can be trained onto live food with difficulty

tank size; in theory 15 is enough, in practice avoid going below 29 for best results

A delicate fish that gets diseased very easily unless you very accurately mimic the peat swamps they naturally occur in, must have a heavily planted and well cycled tank to have any success. Often they are not properly accumulated but if they are they are much easier to keep. they are monsterously difficult to keep alive in the long haul.

Ichthyomyzon unicuspis

Silver lamprey

care level, no Idea, probably a bit difficult because of diet

size; 20cm

PH: same as most local species, lives in great lakes

temp: 60-65 farenheit

Origin, Canada and the U.S

temperment: not agressive but can kill other fish while feeding

Tankmates: none exept other lampreys, will become food regardless of size

Diet, fish meat from live scource, prefers fish with small scales or weak skin like trout and whitefish but not too picky

Tank size: 40b should be fine, but bigger is better

Feed by attaching to other fish and rasping out a chunk of flesh. feeds on the body fluids and chunks of meat from unfortunate host which often dies afterward. they like high oxygen levels and might benefit from current. Probably won't bite humans but...