The MFKers Guide to Keeping Turtles and Fish Together

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Well he would try to chase them, but they were too quick except the watercow who stood his ground and the turtle would retreat into his shell or swim away really fast lol I've had it for about a year and a half now and the brycon sometimes dive bombs the turtles shell but it has all gone well except I hand feed turtle since he gets outcompeted or leave it on the land/dock. I dont think it's an exception, maybe because large sliders become primarily herbivorious and also because I have fast fish and aggressive fish maybe?

I have seen sliders take down 16" bass at that size
I keep a shoal of about 100 feeder guppies in with my RES, western painted, and african sideneck (Pelusios castaneus). The turtles love eating goldfish and rosy red minnows (both an occasional treat), but they don't bother with the guppies. Started with 4 guppies, and they just keep multiplying. There is also a lonely male platy and 4 zebra danios. I originally added 6 platies and 6 danios as feeders, but the sideneck got them. They seem to leave these guys alone now, preferring the bigger goldfish, minnows, and especially the chunks of pumpkin I've been giving them as of late.
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I keep a shoal of about 100 feeder guppies in with my RES, western painted, and african sideneck (Pelusios castaneus). The turtles love eating goldfish and rosy red minnows (both an occasional treat), but they don't bother with the guppies. Started with 4 guppies, and they just keep multiplying. There is also a lonely male platy and 4 zebra danios. I originally added 6 platies and 6 danios as feeders, but the sideneck got them. They seem to leave these guys alone now, preferring the bigger goldfish, minnows, and especially the chunks of pumpkin I've been giving them as of late.

Just wanted to update. I added a breeding pair of firemouth cichlids to the tank about 2 days after the last post. Not one nick in the fins on them and they already laid a clutch of eggs under one of the little caves and are guarding it. They seem to smart for the turtles, although they have a ton of caves and plants to hide in. The turtles don't even try to catch them. Also have a decent sized group of platies now (7) as well as 10 giant danios and haven't lost any of them.
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Just wanted to update. I added a breeding pair of firemouth cichlids to the tank about 2 days after the last post. Not one nick in the fins on them and they already laid a clutch of eggs under one of the little caves and are guarding it. They seem to smart for the turtles, although they have a ton of caves and plants to hide in. The turtles don't even try to catch them. Also have a decent sized group of platies now (7) as well as 10 giant danios and haven't lost any of them.

Another update... tried silver dollars almost the size of the turtles, had to remove them within minutes. 3 goldfish are left and don't seem to be bothered, they've gotten alot bigger. The firemouth pair is magnificent and continues to breed. I still have the school of guppies and giant danios (haven't lost any). Also added a school of black neons (10), 5 columbian tetras, 6 head and tail lights, and a dozen zebra danios. All are still going strong. Currently there are about 10 platies as well (they are slowly multiplying, but the firemouths consume most of the guppy and platy fry).
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Another update... tried silver dollars almost the size of the turtles, had to remove them within minutes. 3 goldfish are left and don't seem to be bothered, they've gotten alot bigger. The firemouth pair is magnificent and continues to breed. I still have the school of guppies and giant danios (haven't lost any). Also added a school of black neons (10), 5 columbian tetras, 6 head and tail lights, and a dozen zebra danios. All are still going strong. Currently there are about 10 platies as well (they are slowly multiplying, but the firemouths consume most of the guppy and platy fry).

Forgot to add I tried a 10 inch oscar as well. Within minutes he was being chased by the RES and the painted turtle, even after feeding the turtles.

Anyone else try any other fish with your turtles?
Almost every time that I've kept any kind of fish, it was as a sideshow to my turtles. While I have had some types of turtle chase certain fish at times, I never had any turtles relentlessly chase them for long. They have always given up and settled for easier food sources (me). I also never really use fish as a food source for my turtles. That may be why mine have never wanted to terrorize the fish tank mates. But, I also don't keep RES. Everybody knows that they want to eat any and everything. Probably part of the reason that they now occupy most states. As far as paints, I love them. The eastern/midland is native where I live. I haven't kept a paint in quite some time, but I do remember how hungry they can be. Painteds can also be instigators to fellow turtle tank mates. Hehe. I'll bet that if I had a 4+ incher paint, it would indeed chase down fish. It's all hit or miss. And all relative at the same time. Where are you located, fishfreak2009?
I'm in Michigan. Currently I have close to 100 community fish in the tank, and recently acquired another RES and a Mississippi map turtle as rescues that were added to the tank. No issues between them at all so far. The RES ate a kissing gourami but haven't managed to catch any other fish. In fact I just sold a batch of firemouth fry that were grown out inn this tank by mom and dad firemouth.
I recommend loaches and cichlids. make sure the water volume is large and filtered well and plenty of hiding spots. also use more passive cichlids. of course things can go wrong. things go wrong with just owning cichlids period. fish provide enrichment for the turtles and added viewing pleasure for us and both their needs can be met easily with a little research.


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Anyone has anything to say about Emydura Subglobossa with fish smaller than it?
Has anyone had any success keeping any australian long neck/short neck turtles? I have a 100g with largeish goldies just wondering if it may work