The Most Desirable Pleco

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Drowning said:
supply and demand. zebras cant be exported anymore due to my knowledge as they are protected. Thus if makes them much much more difficult to aquire one. when they werent protected, they were as much as any other, around $40 or so. in the fish trade especially, the harder something is to get, the more people want it thus prepetuating the demand. in this case supply and demand has reached an equilibrium price of around $350-$450 a piece. However as more and more people breed them as what is happening right now due to the high price tag, supply increases and the equilibirum will be suppressed. The equilibirum will never be stabalized were it used to around $45 with the protection since it takes much longer time, more resources, and entails less distribution channels to breed them than to catch and import them. the price is going down and will fall as it seems they are at the peak of thier popularity.


Well put Drowning. I hear of more and more people trying to breed these plecs everyday.
Pseudacanthicus histrix, Acanthicus adonis and titianic panaque are all my fav pleco
Zebras in OZ are almost non existant
I have heard of some for sale $ 4500 (aud) for 4 only not neg. :WHOA:
now thats ridiculous but exclusiv- ity costs :screwy:
as most good things are not on the import list they are very expensive :cry:
we have to pay around $250 - $ 600 (aud) for anything nice :(

I love the adonis pleco but is it a vampire plec which can/ will kill other plecs?
gollum said:
Zebras in OZ are almost non existant
I have heard of some for sale $ 4500 (aud) for 4 only not neg. :WHOA:
now thats ridiculous but exclusiv- ity costs :screwy:
as most good things are not on the import list they are very expensive :cry:
we have to pay around $250 - $ 600 (aud) for anything nice :(

I love the adonis pleco but is it a vampire plec which can/ will kill other plecs?

Adonis are not vampires. they do need a meaty diet, ie bloodworms, but they won't kill other plecs given enough room. My wifes 55 gallon has her adonis, as well as a 10" Choclate, a 6.5" Sultan L264, and a clown pelkotia. We have had no problems with fighting and no problems with aggressiveness. It is a heavily planted tank, and has tons of wood in it though.
Side note we once had a common pleco get to hit the 24" mark, and he would swim at the top of the tank in circles until it was above another fish and it would drop on the fish and use its weight to hold it down while it sucked everything out of the fish. Kinda cool, but a crappy way to loose large fish.
these plecos are over-rated my personal favorite would be a L-10a
or a red lizard whiptail pleco
cciesielski said:
these plecos are over-rated my personal favorite would be a L-10a
or a red lizard whiptail pleco

What do you mean by overrated??? That they aren't worth the money???
thanks for the answer Wyldfyr :thumbsup:
I was told adonis will kill other plecs in tank eventually
lfs has them @ $ 600 (aud) :cry:
gollum said:
thanks for the answer Wyldfyr :thumbsup:
I was told adonis will kill other plecs in tank eventually
lfs has them @ $ 600 (aud) :cry:

Ouch, that'll put hurt on your pocketbook! It does depend on the fish of course, I have also had a Bristlenose take out a choclate that was twice his size. They both decided on the same hiding spot, and the choclate lost. If you see one at the LFS just ask them how his temperment has been toward other bottom feeders, and ask them if you can buy a cheap common and toss him in for a few hours. You'll know your answer pretty quickly.
yea i never heard of the adonis being called a vampire plec, this is normally the common name given to leporacanthicus galaxias.