I don't know much about Mayfield or his manager but Leland Yee seems to be quite an interesting character with allegations of gun running,ties to Triad leaders....just what you look for in state senator.
sounds like this guy is in the long line of self promoting,corrupt power hungry so-and-so's that seem to flock to local politics, wanna find a real turd?... look to city hall or the state assembly ,,,we have a sheriff here in Maricopa co. that feeds inmates inedible crap("green bolonga") and brags about being"the toughest sheriff in the west,(it is good for out of stare fund-raising)..getting to the point.... "ol toughie",,just so happens to have the food vending rights to the jail...soooo,feed em crap they can't eat at taxpayer expense ,brag about it , and then quietly rake in the profits on the vending machines...sounds like the guy in the CALIFORNIA senate is taking it to the next level