The "one inch per gallon" rule

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Coryd55;2436204; said:
Do you mind if I copy and paste this on another forum?

I will, of course, quote it and reference to you and MFK.
I believe it is fine since you are naming the source.
Wow that pritty much incredible. I am inexperienced and I do belive it is going to help me allot setting up my tank.

also another topic you could add to this "rule" is how overfiltering and air pumps allow to have a larger biolaod, which means more fish. and maybe the fact that (just an example) a red tailed black shark cleans up enough to lower biolaods and this could imply for all fish of this sort.
LittleBigAl3;2497745; said:
also another topic you could add to this "rule" is how overfiltering and air pumps allow to have a larger biolaod, which means more fish. and maybe the fact that (just an example) a red tailed black shark cleans up enough to lower biolaods and this could imply for all fish of this sort.

Overfiltering helps to a point but another fish will not lower the bioload on any tank.
LittleBigAl3;2497745; said:
also another topic you could add to this "rule" is how overfiltering and air pumps allow to have a larger biolaod, which means more fish. and maybe the fact that (just an example) a red tailed black shark cleans up enough to lower biolaods and this could imply for all fish of this sort.

this fish would still add to the bioload, that wouldn't help alleviate the bioload situation
Ah yes, the 1 gallon per /CUBIC/ inch rule. News headlines work the same way, people unconsciously edit out things like 'alleged felon' and 'suspected terrorist' so they wind up remembering just 'felon' and 'terrorist'.

Thank you for posting this, Guppy!
ewurm;1096775; said:
I thought it was 1 fish per inch.....No wonder my nitrates are so high.
lol best quote ever!
the rule is clarified for me i was kind of always confused with this rule it never really made sense to me.....and now it doese but it doese seem the rule is on the cautiouse side....dont get me wrong if i had the money to have a much larger tank i would but sometimes you have to do what you can handle, if you want to put two banded leperonis, two sevrums, and maybe a catfish or two in a 60 gallon tank and you can maintain the tank within the proper parrameters, and the fish seem to be liveing peacefully, healthy, and are swimming freely do it
dang that means i have to move my 24 inch pacu outta my 30g and I thought I was being generous with that extra 6 gallong

seriously thanks for the post very interesting bit of truth