The "one inch per gallon" rule

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Best explination of this rule I've seen. I think though if it's directed towards new LF owners the starting advise would be.

set-up fishtank and let run 24 hours. to check for leeks malfunctions with equipment ect. browse local LFS and online and gather information about the fish your interested in, and compatability! then figure out how many of each kind (Stated rule!) Then go shopping!

I use to have people argue with me when they would come in and buy a tank and want to take fish home with the tank. 99% of the customers I delt with where brand new to the hobby. I told them to take a few minutes to look at the fish we had, showed them some books I personally have read and found useful. Often times helped another customer while they looked, Came back and answered any and all questions they had about the stock we had or the fish they found interesting in the books. and Encouraged them to even go to other aquarium shops locally and look.

Your equation for new hobbiests imo is spot on, and a good "idea" to follow in figureing out what a new hobbyiest wishes to stock. Many MFKers are seasoned aquarists, and :clap for the newbies that made the first right choice by joining MFK and doing research FIRST. I'm constantly learning new things on this forum, and Glad I found it. And reccomend it to anyone i run across that is a fishkeeper.

and feeding requirements, analysis of the fishes digestion and metabolism to calculate the ideal level of stocking the tank. The fishes rate of respiration has an effect on the level of CO2 in the tank, and the physical oxygenation of water required as well. Remember that in a power cut your fish will end up suffocating due to a lack of oxygen if there is too larger a stocking density, and not enough O2. Remember that the biger the fish the wider it gets, and that the lengh is not directley proportional to the fishes body mass. All fish vary, even within the same speices.

surface area is king. this whole fish per inch thing is too convoluted to really apply. But I am a cynic. Too many fish for area up the filtration........... But be reasonable. People need to understand reason and limitations.
Nick0;3128788; said:
lmao...12x12=12 :screwy:

12 inches squared is a 12" x 12" square...

12 square inches would be a 12" x 1" rectangle... or any other sized shape with this surface area...
Hello im new to this site. I have a few Questions do you know what kind of fish you use in a comunity tank? I will be getting a 90 gallon soon. Aswell about how many small comunity fish could i put in the 90 gallon. As you can see i am a newbie to large tanks. I have a 10 gallon with7 feeder goldfish, 2 i call them golf ball goldfish 1 male beta and 2 female betas. I know its to much but didnt exspect the feeders to last near 2 years lol. Im from Ontario Canada and am wanting to make sure what fish you tell me i can get in my countrey. ty
ButterFlyChild68;3159664; said:
Hello im new to this site. I have a few Questions do you know what kind of fish you use in a comunity tank? I will be getting a 90 gallon soon. Aswell about how many small comunity fish could i put in the 90 gallon. As you can see i am a newbie to large tanks. I have a 10 gallon with7 feeder goldfish, 2 i call them golf ball goldfish 1 male beta and 2 female betas. I know its to much but didnt exspect the feeders to last near 2 years lol. Im from Ontario Canada and am wanting to make sure what fish you tell me i can get in my countrey. ty

Typical "Community Fish"... are the non-cichlid tropical fish such as tetras, hatchetfish, pencilfish, etc... as well as livebearers like guppies, mollies etc... Gold fish can sometimes be lumped into this group but be causeful as many goldfish will grow to be quite large if given proper conditions.
ty nutcase. i know goldfish can grow big 2 of my feeder goldfish are about 2 incges big. Im trying to find a new home for my feeder goldfish but no nibbles yet lol.I just made a fish joke lmbo.
Wait, wait, wait...that rule doesn't work? I can't put two 120" (10 foot) fish in my 240g? Hmm...
SimonL;3265418; said:
Wait, wait, wait...that rule doesn't work? I can't put two 120" (10 foot) fish in my 240g? Hmm...

The rule does work for the most part, u have to take 120"L x 18"w x 24" H, not just the length of the fish but the height and width as well, the whole shape thats why he said Sq"..:headbang2