The "one inch per gallon" rule

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
also you can over stock with a good filter and frequent water changes cant you??

just curious cuz i a twenty gallon tank with like almost 40 gallons worth of fish
crashinc25;1107493; said:
I can't figure where this got complicated. L x W x H = Total 3 dimensional size of a fish. If that fits into your tank, get the fish. I sat down the other night and did this with my African tank. Worked out to 89" in a 100g tank. Perfecto.

Hm I'm reading far too many comments on this thread like this.

Alot of you own rectangular fish?

Alot of nonsense anyway and a stupid system. The only way you can know how far you can push your bio is by putting the fish all in and seeing if nitrite or ammonia show up. Sadly by then its too late.

As many people have said its not just this, its space also. Too many people on here with fish that have to do 3 - point turns in their tiny tanks to go in the opposite direction.:screwy:
after reading this i bet i'm way over board on fish. 10 bala sharks,5 red hook silver dollars,6 pictus catfish,8 synodontis catfish,3 plecos,2 silver tip/black fin catfish,
and 15 cory cats in a 225 gallon(6 feet long by 2 feet deep by 30 inches high).
Sometimes we have to use a little common sense. 10 inches of fish does not always equal 10 inches of fish.10 neons does not equal a 10" RTC. ALWAYS, ALWAYS err on the side of caution . Sometimes when you just have to have that one last fish be responsible get one more tank . Thats how we end up with these fish rooms anyway.
wow.. i never knew that.. i'm new.. and i got hoooked on FH's.. just because of the colors that they have. and the nice flowers on the sides.. a friend of mine on here named Itzshadow got me into it.. and now i had like 2 30gal tanks.. a 20gal.. 2 10gals.. i had a 55gal.. and now i have a 125gal tank in the garage gettin ready to set up..XD.. <3 fh's.. now ima estimate how big of a tank i'll need for 1 fh at an adult size.. and just leave it in there? ^_^
to me this rule applies to the actual size and mass of the fish and not just doing the inch per fish thing.
Nice explaining, now if only these rules could be set into law and pet stores required you to have proof of having the proper home for said fish this hobby would have less irresponsible impulse buyers.
Do you mind if I copy and paste this on another forum?

I will, of course, quote it and reference to you and MFK.