The Use of Probiotics in Aquaculture

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I started using Rid-X when I had an outbreak of cyanobacteria (bluegreen slime algae), and as the Rid-X bacteria became established, I believe out competed the cyanobacteria, and it was significantly reduced.
But seemed to have little effect on normal algae.
I believe it also helps out compete pathogenic bacteria.
I started a thread with pics back in 6/19/13 in this section about it.
I overdosed a bit at first in a filter sock, and it created an odor, and turbidity problem for a short time.
Cant believe i just saw this thread...i absolutely hate cleaning definitly going to try this.

Anyone notice a reduction in nitrates. This would be great if i could reduce the amount of water i change....they just raised is 30% in nyc
Just picked some up...gonna test on a small planted 30 gal with some tigers barbs and a spotted raph cat.

Im planning.on dosing all my tanks with levamisole for the next couple of weeks. Should i wait until im done dosing lev to dose the ridx ?

This is the right stuff right ?


It might be best to hold off until you have resolved the current health concern, and when the medicating is complete, and your fish are back to good health, then try the bacteria. Then if by chance something goes sideways you don't have to rule out or wonder if somehow the use of the probiotic bacteria was at fault. But of course it's entirely up to you.
Trust your judgment a few weeks wait wont hurt.
well, I just grabbed a box of septobac and will be trying this out. thanks for the detailed write-up, RD!

a question for those of you who are doing this, and also employ a drip system for automated water changes (if there are any of you) - since I am a firm believer in filtration overkill. I would think shutting off the drip just before dosing, and leaving it off for a few hours, is a good idea?
well, I just grabbed a box of septobac and will be trying this out. thanks for the detailed write-up, RD!

a question for those of you who are doing this, and also employ a drip system for automated water changes (if there are any of you) - since I am a firm believer in filtration overkill. I would think shutting off the drip just before dosing, and leaving it off for a few hours, is a good idea?
It would probably help contain as much of the septic tank bacteria as possible, but I can't imagine it would have a hugely profound effect, unless you are dripping/removing a huge amount.

UPDATE on my RID-X treatment: Hasn't been real long but my tanks seem clearer for sure. I did notice, in my poly tank, that there was a greater than normal amount of floating debris in the water but I attributed that to the bacteria doing its job and working at the crud I missed while vaccing the tank during a cleaning. All fish are just fine, no ill effects at all.
I don't see a drip system being any kind of an issue, I would let the drip run.
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While these live cultures improve the intestinal flora the real benefit is that fish waste is excreted with nitrifying bacteria present.

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