SeptoBac products bearing the EcoLogo certification meet stringent environmental criteria and can be trusted as environmentally responsible. They are biodegradable, non-toxic, not harmful to humans or the environment and are efficacious; in other words, they really work!
Summit Brands Sustainability Commitment
Summit Brands is committed to promoting wellness and nutrition, supporting our communities and protecting our planet in a manner consistent with our core values. Our product design and packaging teams are dedicated to minimizing the impact of our products on the eco-system. In our facilities throughout the world, we have made real progress and we continue to reach out and seek new ways to improve every day.
SeptoBac ingredients are organic and its packaging is recyclable and readily biodegradable. SeptoBac 8 and 4 pouches are manufactured and packaged in Canada which helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through lower fuel costs and shorter distances to reach store shelves.
What does this mean?
The EcoLogo program compares products/services with others in the same category, develops rigorous and scientifically relevant criteria that reflect the entire lifecycle of the product, and awards the EcoLogo to those that are verified by an independent third party as complying with the criteria.
Founded in 1988 by the Government of Canada but now recognized worldwide, EcoLogo is North Americas largest, most respected environmental standard and certification mark. EcoLogo provides customers public, corporate and consumer with assurance that the products and services bearing the logo meet stringent standards of environmental leadership. EcoLogo certifies environmental leaders in over 120 product and service categories, helping customers find and trust the worlds most sustainable products.
EcoLogo certification is important for SeptoBac since it supports Summit Brands overall effort to improve sustainability and protect the environment.
or more information on the EcoLogo program, visit