The Use of Probiotics in Aquaculture

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I avoid the 'bits' getting into the tank by activating the powder in an old carafe first. 900 GPH clears up the cloudiness within minutes. I dissolve 4 tablespoons of Rid-X in aquarium water and shake/mix the concoction about every 30 minutes for 4-6 hours. Afterwards, I pour the liquid portion into the tank while leaving the sediment at the bottom of the carafe. A little bit of the sediment may get in the tank but doesn't seem to adversely affect the fish. The filter takes care of the sediment fairly quickly.
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Anyone know an alternative/same product I could purchase in the uk?

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SepClean powder is a comparable product in the UK. Don't use the liquid form as it contains fragrance and glycerin.
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The solid particles are simply the media in which the dried bacteria spores are stored. Once the bacteria are rehydrated (such as Oddball described) they no longer serve any purpose and do not need to be added to the tank.

The entire dry mix can be added to ones tank but I rehydrate mine the same way that Oddball previously described, and attempt to keep most/all of the solids in the mixing/rehydrating container, and not in my tank.

Snails, crayfish, turtles etc are all fine with this bacteria - these are bacteria that are found in nature, both in soil & in natural bodies of water.
ok guys, thanks. next time I'll soak it more & let sediment settle before pouring in tank.
With the Canadian product that I am using (SeptoBac) I have snails mass producing in one of my tanks. :)