• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

To Sand Or Not To Sand? -Substrate.

Thank you. It is a geophagus sveni

Here is a picture (( kinda a poor one) I took recently of the whole tank. I need to clean up some of the plants- getting a bit overgrown.

Thank you for the ID. As for the plants; well I think looks good and natural. I bet your just love it. I have read that Fish feel more secure and come out to display more, (especially shy gals & guys) when they have a background and nooks and hollows they feel they can retreat to.
I have a few planted tanks. I bought some bacopa Australis not too along. To remember the name I call it Bacopa Cabana Austrapithicus. Only problem that Manilow song then proceeds playing through my head--like now. I am going into the fish store today and have been waiting to relate the name association with her.

Cardeater--Here is someone with Pool Filter sand experience. I don't have experience with PFS. I did acquire play sand and mix it with light aquarium sand. The heavy play sand mixed made the aquarium sand heavier also.
Thank you for the ID. As for the plants; well I think looks good and natural. I bet your just love it. I have read that Fish feel more secure and come out to display more, (especially shy gals & guys) when they have a background and nooks and hollows they feel they can retreat to.
I have a few planted tanks. I bought some bacopa Australis not too along. To remember the name I call it Bacopa Cabana Austrapithicus. Only problem that Manilow song then proceeds playing through my head--like now. I am going into the fish store today and have been waiting to relate the name association with her.
Thank you for posting that Cardeater--you are an Ace. The Pool filter sand post was back a few posts on this thread, posted by Alum 85
For you Folks who haven't seen it yet. BEST SAND EVER thread by FINWIN, speaks of Sandtastick colored sand. It has same properties as Torpedo Beach Sand in that it will stay down like gravel during cleaning and won't drift and cloud during initial installation. Comes in many colors. Check out Finwin's thread or ask Finwin for more information regarding this product. Apparently it is more cost effective to order from the company direct. Currently Finwin's thread can be found in Trending Topics Forums or Search: Members
For Cardeater: Hello. There is a photo and testimony of a member that has been using CaribSea Torpedo Beach for 2 years and swears by it. I try to get you privately.
For Cardeater: Hello. There is a photo and testimony of a member that has been using CaribSea Torpedo Beach for 2 years and swears by it. I will try to get you privately.
For Cardeater: Hello. There is a photo and testimony of a member that has been using CaribSea Torpedo Beach for 2 years and swears by it. I will try to get you privately.
It can be found under thread Best Sand Ever under Trending Forums or Search Members: Finwin.
I would like invite discussion on the pro versus cons about sand as a substrate. Maybe this has been brought up but not to my knowledge. All opinions, posts and questions are welcome and valued.

I will start out with some things I have experienced and learned and some common questions. While I have been in the fish hobby a long time, I am fairly new to using sand as a substrate. I will mix up the Pros and Cons to try to be fair to those who use and like sand and those who don't. Here>We>Go...

Turkey baster is good for sucking up poo in smaller (10 gallon and less) and micro tanks. I'm experimenting with a pvc extension on a baster for taller tanks.