Another member has ordered Sandtastik and put into his tank this beautiful colored sand. (See his thread, "Best Sand Ever.). Some members had some concerns about it's safety, so I did some investigation.
It is made of Fieldspar stone, resin encapsulated with a nontoxic dye. Resin encapsulating is like those flower or shell paper weights where the flowers ect are encased in clear resin. It is an autclave or other baking process.
Sandtastik Sand has a top safety rating with children and testing and safety seal with the AMCI Arts, Materials, and Creative Institute.
It comes in almost 50 shades and is used indoor/outdoor and is waterproof. It can be cleaned with soap. (We won't be doing that.)
It has not been aquarium tested. I ordered some and will be letting you know my test results. It is not company recommended for fish that mouth their gravel or sand as it has irregular shaped grains.
So it should be fine for fish that don't put the entire grain in their mouth or just sweep the surface like Cories, or pick at the surface of their substrate material like Bettas. Surface and midrange swimmers that are non bottom foragers should be fine. Probably others are OK too. Check to see if your sand is irregular shaped and how many years your fish has been doing fine. I don't think play or pool filter sand was officially tested either until fish
hobbyist tested it in their tanks
Sandtastik runs about $42-45 for 25 lb box, about $32 for 10 lbs. At the maufacturer or For lesser amounts of sand go to where the Sandtastik vendor David's Bridal sells 1 lb bags Sandtastik for $4.95. Overwise you will paying $24 for a pound. I will let you know if I find anything cheaper.
Sandtastik is supposed to not cloud and enter your filter, not need initial cleaning, (advise it anyway) and also supposed to be easy maintainance like Torpedo Beach Sand. I will let you know my short and long term test findings of this product.
I would not use colored sand or gravel. Eventually the protective layer wears off. This is from experience. My advice is to also consider the chemical make up of the sand. Will it cause diatom blooms (silicate). Will it raise ph? Do you want plants? Etc.Another member has ordered Sandtastik and put into his tank this beautiful colored sand. (See his thread, "Best Sand Ever.). Some members had some concerns about it's safety, so I did some investigation.
It is made of Fieldspar stone, resin encapsulated with a nontoxic dye. Resin encapsulating is like those flower or shell paper weights where the flowers ect are encased in clear resin. It is an autclave or other baking process.
Sandtastik Sand has a top safety rating with children and testing and safety seal with the AMCI Arts, Materials, and Creative Institute.
It comes in almost 50 shades and is used indoor/outdoor and is waterproof. It can be cleaned with soap. (We won't be doing that.)
It has not been aquarium tested. I ordered some and will be letting you know my test results. It is not company recommended for fish that mouth their gravel or sand as it has irregular shaped grains.
So it should be fine for fish that don't put the entire grain in their mouth or just sweep the surface like Cories, or pick at the surface of their substrate material like Bettas. Surface and midrange swimmers that are non bottom foragers should be fine. Probably others are OK too. Check to see if your sand is irregular shaped and how many years your fish has been doing fine. I don't think play or pool filter sand was officially tested either until fish
hobbyist tested it in their tanks
Sandtastik runs about $42-45 for 25 lb box, about $32 for 10 lbs. At the maufacturer or For lesser amounts of sand go to where the Sandtastik vendor David's Bridal sells 1 lb bags Sandtastik for $4.95. Overwise you will paying $24 for a pound. I will let you know if I find anything cheaper.
Sandtastik is supposed to not cloud and enter your filter, not need initial cleaning, (advise it anyway) and also supposed to be easy maintainance like Torpedo Beach Sand. I will let you know my short and long term test findings of this product.
Even the color should be analyzed. Will a bright gravel affect the fish?
Re-doing the substrate is a pain. So planning is important.