I only kept mine with swordtails, when growing out, and as an adult mated pair, so how they might reract to other fish such as other species of cichlids, would only be a guess. From my observations, they are non-aggressive as far as cichlids go, so I'd hesitate to keep them with any aggressive, larger tank mates.
According to those who had observed them in nature, in Costa Rica and western Panama, they are highly vegetarian (feeding on mostly algae and detritus (leaf litter ), and prefer moderate to high flow high water quality areas.
A pair with smaller dithers might work in a 55.
According to those who had observed them in nature, in Costa Rica and western Panama, they are highly vegetarian (feeding on mostly algae and detritus (leaf litter ), and prefer moderate to high flow high water quality areas.
A pair with smaller dithers might work in a 55.