Back to "Spit on your grave". I knew I had this movie somewhere in my archive so I had a search for it last night. And there it was, so I watched it last night!
It's as brutal as it is brilliant. This is the 2010 version.
Okay, Esox, if you thought that messed with your absolutely must see...wait for it...wait for it..."Predestination".
I can't tell you anything about it, because trying to explain it would make it sound utterly ridiculous. But it isn't; the writers did an amazing job with an astonishingly unique story and I found it quite gripping. Time travel should be enough, but in this movie it's just a vehicle that propels the story forward...and backward...and sideways...and everytime you find yourself thinking "Oh, that's it...I get it now..." they throw another zinger at you, and the zingers are all cumulative and add to the main storyline in a way that nobody can see at the beginning.
Well worth a watch if you can find it.
It's the kind of movie that leaves you sitting there for awhile after it ends, trying to put all the pieces together. I've only seen it once, definitely want to give it a re-watch.
I've never heard of that film John. I looked it up and it's from 2014, so not that old, I may come across it if I search.
On the subject of time travel films I can highly recommend a film called "The Butterfly Effect".
Basically a guy discovers a way of transporting himself back in time by looking and concentrating on old photos.
At the start he goes back to just try and do a couple of "tweaks" on his past mistakes, but of course that can be catastrophic in future events.
After each time of going back in time to change something for the better, he comes back to the future and everything's different! He keeps trying to rectify his mistakes but things just get worse.
On paper you'd think this would be the ultimate brain warp film, but it's easy to follow.
A quick search has brought Predestination up on Amazon Prime.....though it's not free!!
I have the choice of buying it for £4.99, or renting it for £0.99!!
If I'm forking out the princely sum of £0.99 on a movie, it'd better be good, jaw droppingly good, sublime, life changing even, lol.
If this turns out to be a damp squib, very much along the lines of, "Aquariums of the dead", yes
tlindsey, I ain't forgot, then you are well and truly in the doghouse John, lol.
If you look up "cheap" in the dictionary, there's a pic of me. There's also a link to the term "miserly" with a better, more recent pic of me.
Even I don't begrudge the occasional expenditure of a few farthings or doubloons or gribliks (or whatever it is they call that weird currency you use over there) to rent a movie if it's a good one.